Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.16r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1098/008
Date: 1592
Note: On fol.16r there is the signature 'T'. The last page of this letter is missing. This document is badly fire damaged.
Copy of: 0376
Later Addition: stil Romano [[to my]] L Treasurer
May it please your good L. because I would not that the talk which I have had with Monsieur Biland should be longe unknowen unto your L. if my former letter of the 2 of this present should happen to miscary, I thought best to prevent it by sending an other coppy. The 20 enseignes of footemen which were appointed from hence to the siege of Rouen are growen so feeble & full of infirmity, by reason of theyr long continewance in the shippes, whereto they have bin forced for want of a winde, that now they are admitted to refreshe themselves within the townes: but in places neer adjoyning, to the end they may be redy when the winde draweth easterly. The time of theyr returne is limited to the 15 day of marche after theyr account, but if neede require I think they shalbe spared for one moneth longer, The states of Holland have resolved to levy for theyr owne extraordinary quote for the next sommers service, 6 enseignes of footemen & 3 cornetes of horse, but what is ment to be don by the reason of the Provinces, wee are not yet advertised, They do make full account to bring into the field at the least 10000 foote & 2500 horse with 40 peeces of Battery. Which no dout will suffice to annoy the ennemy many waies both by getting places of spetiall importance, & by deriving some strength from his army in France, But howsoever it be, to crave your L. pardon if I speake without jugement in these martiall affaires, there might an other course be taken to the ennemies greater detriment: if either of them selves or by her Majesties parsuasion they can be wonne to yeeld unto it, for seing in mans discourse, they can enjoy but a while the benefit of theyr former or future victories, if God shall not prosper theyr actions of France, & for asmuch as the King is without any power to serve a foote, being like by that meanes to be greatly distressed, I cannot possibly understand how the want of the King can be better supplied & the good of the Provinces more effectually procured, then if they would determine to make a defensive warre for the next sommers fol.16vseason & to send some 5 or 6000 of theyr souldiers [into] France, of which theyr might conveniently be raised [towards] 2000 Englishe including the 7 companies which are alredy [there in] service, & the rest to be taken of theyr owne entertainment. For undoutedly these Provinces are so apparantly well ass[ured] as consydering the extraordinary bandes which they purpose [to] erect, unless that Parma should returne with all his [strength] owt of France, they may easily forbeare the foresaid [number] & hold theyr owne here at home with the rest of theyr forces. Besides a publick benefit wherof they with others above others [shall be] greatest partakers, they shall also be eased of those [excessive] charges of a campe, that consist in provision of vitt[ails,] powder, shott, carriages & shipping, with the intertai[nment of] many officers, & other partinent expenses, that [amount in the] field to very great sommes: If her Majesty be [willing] that the King be thus assisted, theare is a great [opportunitie] to parswade the States unto it where theyr forces [now embarked] shalbe safely there arrived. For if as then it [will please] her Highnes & the King to be earnest in requesting [that] those that are gon for France alredy, may be [there continued & that as many more may be added as may serve to [the] accomplishing of the foresaid nomber, with a furder [declaration] that for as many as may be spared of the English [companion] her Majesty is resolved that they shalbe there employed [as long] as this necessity of the Kinge doth require it, I [should] hardly conceave that they would use theruppon any g[reat] contradiction. Of all that I dout [will be] opposit unto it Count Maurice is the chiefest, for [that I] knowe he is desyrous to do somewhat [here himself] for the encrease of his credyt. And [then the States of] Friseland will dislike it utterly, for that [they think] assuredly to recover this sommer the towne of [Steenwick] Howbeit for that it will profit them but [little, to get ether] that or any other towne, if the King be o[verthrowen]