Letter ID: 0594
Reference: TNA, PC 2/19/478
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0594/008
Date: 18 July 1592


A lettre to Master Bodley Councellor of Estate for her Majestie with the Estates of the United Provinces. Whereas Sir Thomas Baskervill Knight hathe the keepinge of the Castle of the Ramykins havinge allowaunce of a companie of 150 which charge before Captaine Errington had with allowaunce by the Erle of Leciester of xxtie dead paies besides the 15 that are ordynarilie allowed in all the Footebandes in the Lowe Countries in respect that the said Captaine had no service money as the other Captaines in the Cautyonarie Townes have, which (as yet, hathe not ben allowed to this gentleman) Because the Estates were un- willinge to yeelde the same) For as moche as the place ys of greate Importaunce as the Towne of Flushinge, or anie other Fortes thereaboutes, and yt ys not possible that the place cann be maintained in good order without somme soche allowaunce; Her Majesties pleasure ys you shall in her Name deale very effectuallie with the Estates that they will have some extraordynary consideracion of this place, and that they wilbe therefore contented, that there maie either allow- ance be made to the said Captaine of these xxtie dead paies besides the ordynary nomber of xvten or els that he maie have soche service money as ys dystrybuted to the other Companies in Flushinge, beinge otherwyse no waie hable to maintaine the said Bande without his great chardge and losse, And yf they shall not lyke to yeeld to this Reasonable demaund, then you maie deale with them to parmytt the said Captaine of the Ramykins to take some soche reasonable Toale of the shippes that passe by that Forte or shall moore there, as maie countervaile the service money. Herein wee are to Requiere you to use good parswacions bothe in respect of the Importaunce of the place and regard of the gent that hath (as he faithfullie protesteth unto us) sustained greate losse by the same, which maie Induce the Estates to yeeld theire consentes by some of those Three meanes to Inhable him to maintaine his Companie in good order for the better defence of the said place, and to certyfie us theire answere and Resolucion./