Reference: TNA, SP 84/45/331 f.331r-332v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0424/008
Date: 02 November 1592
Copy of: 1197
fol.332vLater Addition: 2 November 92
Endorsed: 2 November 1592 Master Bodeleie to the LLes Sir Nicholas Parkers Horsebandes.
Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lordes the Lordes and others of her Highness privie Councel.
May it please your good LL. for that Whiche is required by your LL. letter of the 17 of October, enjoining the dispatche of Sir Nicholas Parkers horsband, I have advertised at large what impediments I found, which I hope are already imparted to your LL. if my letter therupon, which I addressed of late unto my L. Treasurer be safely delivered. Sir Nicholas Parker hath bin ready, as muche as lay in him, sins the time that the armie of the states was dissolved. But by reason I had no order, for the place of his Rendevous, I was forced to forbeare, from urging his departure. For to embarke all his horses, and to attend a winds in Zeland, with the companies of foote, considering the uncertaintie of getting shipping for [Jeresey], it was thought it would prove the overthrowe of the troupe.
Moreover though the states have bin solicited, to graunt him a pasport, to remove from Duisbourgh to Berghen, Where Sir John Poley is in garrison, to have the better commoditie for supplie of his companie, they doe not onely refuse to admitte him into Berghen, but they will give him no pasport for any other place. Whether they thinke by that meanes, to stay him heere for all together, or to lette him from di- minishing Sir John Poleis Cornet, I can not certifie your LL. but assoone as I have notice of the place of the Rendevous, I will take as good a course as is possible for me, to procure him a passage: and withall I will use what meanes I am able, to helpe Sir John Poley, to convey his horses to him. I knowe it fol.331v
will prove a troublesome attempt, if the states be unwilling: but except they doe resist in violent sort, which I thinke they will not doe, I hope I shall effect it. Sir Nicholas Parker himself I have founde very forward to doe any thing required: and though it be apparant, that by this last sommer service many of his souldiers are unmounted and also divers of his horses dead and /very greatly/ decaied, whereby his numbers are abated, yet I take his band, as it is, to be the best in order, and most sufficient in this contrey. He maketh no doubt of per- suading divers of his souldiers, which are of this contrey and men of good worth, to folowe him in this voiage, and suche as shall refuse, for that they are maried, or for other respectes, he will passe them in exchange with Sir John Poley and other Captaines: so as alwaies her Majestie shall be served of his troupe in very good strength. herein my best endevour shall ap- peare unto your LL. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. November 2 1592 Your LL. most humble at commaundement Tho. Bodley