Letter ID: 0418
Reference: TNA, SP 84/45/239 f.236r-237v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0418/008
Date: 14 September 1592
Copies: 1187 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 14 September 1592. Master Bodley. to my L. from the Haghe /

Later Addition: 14 September 1592


May it please your good L. The general states upon the soddaine have dissolved their assemblie and are gone the greater part, with consent of the rest, to consult with the Councel, which continueth at Swol, about the imploiment of their army the rest of this sommer. I have alwaies suspected, as I have formerly written, that they would be but slowe in geving order for Berghen, for other troupes to come thither, in the places of those that are named for France. And nowe they are departed, and have left no re- solution: upon hope, as I conjecture, that rather then the Gouvernor will leave the towne without a Gar- rison, he will not suffer the companies to be drawen from thens. Howbeit to prevent them in this dealing, I have signified by letter to the states of Zeland, who are next adjoining unto Berghen, that if nether from the states heere, nor from their repartition, the forsaid supplie be presently sent, there is charge already given to her Majesties Officer, to stay the weekely paies of as many companies in Berghen, as are by order of her Majestie to be trans- ported into France. This I am assured will so quicken those of Zeland, that they will make no long delay, in sending a supplie: for that the souldiers till then must live upon the contrey. I have also written to that effect to Sir Thomas Shirleis deputie at Middelbourgh, to refraine from sending any pay unto Berghen, till the companies be dimissed. I have likewise acquainted Sir Thomas Morgan with my course, and advised him specially to use his care and discre- tion in proceeding with the privitie of the Captaines and officers, that no daungerous inconvenience may falle unto the towne: which I knowe he can perfourme fol.235v
without any trouble or disorder. And thus I thought it expedient to meete with the states in their backward dealing with her Majestie. Wheras I have bin required both by your L. and by my L. Admi- rals letters, to become an earnest suitor for the en- largement of certaine Englishe seamen, which were pri- soners in Enchusen and Amsterdam, I made petition upon it to the General States, and likewise to the college of the states of Holland, whome the mater most concer- ned, in the name of all my LL. The effect of that which I delivered, I exhibited after, being thereto required, in writing unto them: and I send the trans- cript heereinclosed. From those publike assem- blies I had never no other answear, then they are wont to give commonly in a mater of some importance, That they would take some time to consult upon it. But by certaine in particular, I was alwaies put in hope, that although the prisoners were all condemned, and to be presently executed, yet they had staied their proceeding upon this intercession and would execut their sentence upon the principal offendors, and not upon the multitude. I had also the as- sistance of Master Caron therin, who dealt with his ac- quaintance very carefully and frindly, and was alwaies intertened with the like kinde of hope. How- beit contrary to both our expectations, they have onely spared suche youthes, as were under the age of 18 yeres, and two or three more upon importunat soliciting, and have put to execution about the number of 40. What reasons I alleaged to cause them to [.] extend a further favor to the rest, because they are sette downe in my writing heerewith, I knowe a double rehersall would be tedious to your L. Many of this contrey doe mervell at their fol.236r
rigor, lamenting both the losse of so great a number, and of so many proper persons, as in a maner they were all, and at lest a dousen mariners, sufficently skilled, to take any charge. And whether it were not somwat needefull, that ether by her Majestie or by my LL. of the Councel, they should by some letter be touched to the quicke, for their rigourous proceeding, and their slender regard aswell unto the reason as to the instance of their suite, I leave it so unto your L: humbly be- seeching /yow/ to acquaint my L. Admiral with as muche as hath bin signified: who recommended the saving of two above the rest, of which the one named Webbe hath obte- ned his pardon, and shall be released: but the other deceased in prison before. The wether here hath bin so stormy, and the winde so contrary to the com- ming downe of the companies, that they were not yesternight arrived at Dort. For otherwise from the time that they were shipped, they might have bin at Flushing. But your L. may account, that the very next winde, if it hold any time, will cary them into Normandy. Once for my self, it is not possible for me, to doe more then I have done, to hasten them away. And so I take my humble leave. Hage. September 14 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
