Letter ID: 0416
Reference: TNA, SP 84/45/230 f.226r-229v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0416/008
Date: 06 September 1592



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England

Endorsed: 6 September 1592. Master Bodeley. to my L. from the Hagh/

Later Addition: 6 September 92


May it please your good L. I send with this letter the Answear of the states: which is dated the 4 and was the time that they resolved, but their letter was written, and brought me but to day. What passed between us, when I made my Proposition, I have written to your L. the 5 of this moneth, and I send againe, for more assurance, bothe the copie of my letter and that whiche I proposed. Astouching the companies I did never looke for other answear. But although they will not yelde to any licence di- rectly; I hope indirectly they will wincke at their passage. They were alwaies determined to send suche forces into Britaine, as I have signified heeretofore: but with condition that her Majestie would make an offer in proportion, to doe as muche as they required: which I advertised lately the 16 of July. Nowe their offer is framed in an other de- gree, as your L. may perceave. To her Majesties demaunde for further succor to be sent to the garrison of Ostend, in respect of those attemptes which are supposed to be intended against the towne and the haven, they touche it onely in a worde, as they doe in their speeches make light of the mater. For they say they are assured, that the Enemie in those quarters hath no meanes to raise forces, to put the towne in any danger. And yet there is lately order given, for 6 shippes more then were before, (which were alwaies 12) to lie upon the coast. Heere are letters from the Campe that the Enemie is departed from the quarters of Coevoerden, and is marched towardes Groeninghen, to assure the passa- ges; and towardes Linghen, which is a place of speciall strength in the Countie of Benthem, southerly from fol.226v
Coevoerden, about 6 Dutche leagues. If it falle out to be true, as we doubt not of it, what Count Mau- rice will doe, it is not yet knowen: but I make full account that Sir Francis Vere will returne with all the speede that may be. Yesterday Master Caron had some occasion to deale with the general states, and opportunitie serving to speake about the Companies, he hath said as muche unto them, to persuade them to yelde, as he supposed might be said without their offense. But yet he praieth me to signifie, that against his expectation, and that which was his hope, in his last to your L. he doth finde they will doe nothing. I doe mervel very muche that he would give yow any hope, of their assenting therunto. It was to measure their forwardnes, by his owne disposition. For otherwise me thinkes, there is very muche gotten, considering their humors, though they should not assent, if they would but lette them goe, by way of permission. And that I hope we shall obtene, that though they be thus unwilling, they will not practise any meanes, to stoppe their embarking. After the re- ceat of this Answear of the states, her Majesties letter of the 27 of August is brought unto me: wherein I am required to send for Sir John Poley and Sir Nicholas Parker, and after notice given unto them of her Highnes intent, to be served with one of their bandes, for the succor of the footemen that are appointed for France, to make choise of the fittest of them bothe, with the advise of Sir Francis Vere: if too muche time be not lost by sending unto him. It may please your L. to consider, that before my letters can come to the forsaid gentlemen, at the Campe where they are, I must of necessitie, all thinges considered, recken upon 4 daies, and upon as many for them to come fol.227r
to come to the Hage, and so againe as many more to returne unto their companies: besides the time that will be spent in other usual pretenses. In which respect and for the speedier perfourmance of her Majesties purpose, having alwaies understoode, that no man hath kept his bande in so good plight and discipline, aswell for order, as nomber, and furniture, as Sir Nicholas Par- ker, I have thought it most convenient, for better expedition, to send directly unto him, and in his ab- sence (for that I stand in some doubt he is not at the campe) to his Lieutenant, who is a very sufficient souldier, to prepare his troupe in suche sort, as her Majestie hath commaunded, and to supplie his deficients out of Sir John Poleis company. To whome I have also signified what is written from her Majestie doubting nothing ether, but that they will be very ready, to conforme themselves accordingly. And albeit by her Majestie I am not willed to impart this matter to the states, yet because it is requisit in regard of correspon- dence, I will acquaint them with it presently, ex- pecting notwithstanding for no good answear at their handes. But whatsoever it is, I have sent a mes- senger /already/ to advertise the pleasure of her Majestie to Sir Nicholas Parker, and the like to Sir Francis Vere, to the end that being there, he may give his assistance, as neede shall require. Even nowe I am requested to convey a letter of Sir Francis Vere to your L. and I am told /by/ the partie that hath brought me the letter, that Sir Francis for certaine was comming from the campe, and did resolve to be at Swol the 5 of this moneth, with intention to come forward with his troupes towardes Zeland. I knowe not what to thinke, howe the states will supplie the garrison of Berghen. For they of themselves will fol.227v
tell me nothing, though I presse them very often: because in shewe they will not seeme, not onely not to be contented, but not to be persuaded that her Majestie will drawe the companies from hens: wheras by naming the troupes, that they minde to send for supply, they should seeme to insinuat, as if they were contented to send others in their places. I would make some motion to your L. for hastening the companies that should come out of France for Flushing and the Brille, but that I knowe it is needeles for which I take my humble leave. At the Hage September 6 /September 6/ 1592 Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
