Letter ID: 0412
Reference: TNA, SP 84/45/181 f.178r-179v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0412/008
Date: 20 August 1592
Copies: 1176 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghely Lord highe Treasurer of England

Endorsed: 20 August 1592. Master Bodeleie to my L./


Upon the closing of my former, I receaved her Highnes letter to the states of the 2 of this moneth, and your L. to my self, of the self same date. I hope your L. is resolved, that in as muche as I am able, there hath wanted no endevor, to give good order for the companies. They have bin in garrison more then a moneth, and are still in a readines, to marche, when they are sent for. For I have al- waies bin persuaded, as I have formerly signified, that the states will give no leave, howsoever they shall be urged, but yet I stand not /in/ doubt of any publicke impeachement. And therfor whensoever her Majestie shall send I will accomplishe for my self, what is possible for me, and I knowe Sir Francis Vere will be wanting to nothing.

Upon the deliverie of this letter of her Majestie and my instance unto them, to receave their present answear, they have signified unto me, that they have sent expressely to Count Maurice, to the Coun- cel of state, and to the Deputies of the Provinces, that are at the Campe, to demaunde their advise, which being understoode, they will take some final resolution, and impart it unto me. I have answeared againe that for mine owne part I doe expect every houre, to be commaunded by her Highnes to cause the companies to be shipped: which charge comming to me, I might not attend what they would resolve: and therfor wished them to thinke upon a speedier course of dealing. Ofthe strength of the companies that were in the field with Sir Francis Vere, I thinke your L. by this is perfitly informed. For Master Allen the Commissary fol.178v

Later Addition: 20 August 92

of the musters hath sent a man of purpose, to de- liver his bookes to Sir Thomas Wilkes. I will send to Sir Francis out of hand, and signifie of all that your L. hath written. What hath moved the states to send for Master Caron, I can not certifie assuredly, nor he is not yet come hither. But to shewe your L. my conjecture, it is a good while sins that I have heard, that they have greatly disliked of his folowing of their buisnes, for that they thought, as hath bin saied, that he was par- tially inclined to proceede in their affaires to her Majesties best liking. And therfore whether it be to revoke him cleane, or to instruct him other- wise, or for some other cause, I will learne if I can, and lett your L. understand it. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. August 20 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
