Letter ID: 0411
Reference: TNA, SP 84/45/179 f.175r-176v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0411/008
Date: 19 August 1592
Copies: 1175 


May it please your good L. Her Majesties letter to the states of the 23 of the last, with an other from your L. of the 24 of the same, came no sooner unto me then two daies agoe. They were brought unto me hither, by the old Englishe post, whiche was lately with your L. who receaved them, he saieth, about 4 daies before, of one George Halle Sir Francis Veres servant, to whome they were delivered, as the post had understood, by a man of Sir Thomas Shirley. There were two thinges noted by your L. in that letter whiche I writte the 15 of July, That I dispat- ched it before I had the answear of the states, whome first it had bin fitte I should have earnestly urged, to take some present resolu- tion: and that in the letter, which her Highnes writte unto the states, I coneaved a further scruple, then the letter gave occasion. I beseeche your L. for the first, to give me so muche cre- dit, that I did my duty thorowly, in requi- ring their answear: as I doe alwaies the like, in affaires of any moment, though I happen to omitte to signifie suche pointes. For I pre- sented her Highnes letter the 14 of the forsaid mo- neth, and I sent yow their answear within two daies after: which I doe seeldome gette so soone, but with great importunitie. For they say they are a multitude, and in maters of importance they can not so resolve, as her Majestie may alone. And as for writing before, that I receaved their answear, when I could not have it presently, fol.175v
nor no certaintie otherwise, when they would exhibit it, I thought I should doe best for con- tenting your L. to advertise with the soonest howe I had proceeded, and what I thought of their pur- pose, and yet still to goe forward in soliciting their answear, which I sent the next day after.

I hope your L. is persuaded, that for mine owne understanding I was not troubled with any scruple in her Majesties letter. For I knewe directly what was meant, by those that I receaved, and so I signified sufficiently in my publike dea- ling with the states. But being heere where I sawe howe muche it went against their mindes, and finding that the letter was not altogether peremptory, but indited in suche wordes, as seemed in the rea- ding to include a kinde of libertie, I hope your L. will conceave that the maner of my suspition, in respect of their construction, was not founded upon nothing. True it is that her Majestie writte enough, both /at/ that time and before, whereby they might perceave, that her meaning was no other, but to send for the companies: yet it was not in the letter in that resolut maner, as if she would not be refused, or as her Highnes heeretofore in suche other her demaundes hath signified ex- pressely. And although it was sufficient that I declared it unto them, because they were referred to the pointes of my instructions, yet knowing they were inclined to stand upon denial, I could not but imagine, that they would helpe them selves in every sort, with any wordes of fol.176r
apparance of advantage unto them. And so it proved by their answear. I did yesterday deliver her Majesties letter, which they thought very strange to come so slowly to their handes, for that there have bin many passages, then /sins/ the letter was written, and divers letters heere re- ceaved, about 18 daies before, that were dated in London about the self same time. I doe assure your L. the slacknes of suche messengers, which hap- neth very often, doth make me leese the opportuni- ties, of effecting suche thinges as her Majestie re- quireth. For heere they gaine by suche meanes a great deale of time, and devise howe to crosse her Majesties intent, which might passe perhaps at first with lesse opposition. What answear thei will make, I can not learne, nor conjecture. For although I have bin instant in requiring it of them, they say they must have time to delibe- rat with themselves: and I finde them alwaies one in their unwilling disposition.

Your L. last unto me was written the 28 of July, and I receaved it heere the 11 of this present, returning an answear the very same day.

The occurrences of Coevoerden doe better every day, and the place, there is no doubt, will be ours very shortly, unles the Enemie make a head. which, the bruite is, he doth purpose. For the speeche is given out, that there are in readines to passe the Rhine 22 Enseignes of Spaniardes, 16 Dutche, and 6 of Wallons, with 400 horse; which are thought will amount, with the troupes of Verdugo, to 5000 men: wherof we looke every houre to be better informed. Count Philip fol.176v
of Nassau is returned out of France , with all his Captaines and companies. They are judged at the lest to be 1300 men. Monsieur Bu- zenval hath bin this morning with the states, with letters from the King, to pray the loane of so muche mony, as may suffice for 4 monethes, to inter- tene 3000 foote: and withall to spare him three of their greater shippes of warre, and two pinaces to lie in the Sene for the space of 3 monethes. He hath had no other answear, but that the Pro- vinces must be moved. Howbeit I am per- suaded, they will take some present order for sending the shippes: and will procure with good speed, a competent summe of mony: And thus for this present I take my humble leave. From the Hage. August 19 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley