Reference: TNA, SP 84/45/154 f.150r-153v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0407/008
Date: 29 July 1592
Copies: 1163
fol.150rAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 29 Julij 1592. Master Bodeleie to my L.
May it please your good L. Upon the sight of your letter of the 20 of this moneth whiche was delivered me to day, I should thinke it very long, till your L. receaved mine answear unto it, but that I hope the sundrie lettres which I have lately sent from hens, will make it evi- dent altogether, that I have used no slacknes in writing unto yow. For where the 20 of this present my letter onely of the 4 was delivered to your L. it may please yow to consider, that I went immediatly upon it towardes the campe, and being come as farre as Swol the 10 of this present, I receaved there the letters, whiche her Highnes writte about the companies: which I imparted the 11 to the Councel of estate: the 12 I returned towardes the Hage: the 14 I delivered my letters to the states: and I have signified their answear, with other pertinent maters, by my letters of the 15 16 19 and 25 of this moneth, which I hope before this will be all with your L. And yet I see there is some cause to doubt the diligence of the Post, to whome my letters to your L. are commonly consigned. For his servants tell me plainely and geve it out very often in their speeches abroade that their maister hath no benefit by the cariage of suche letters, as I doe write unto your L. Whereby they seeme to be unwilling to conti- nue suche a course, as is bourdensome unto them, and give me good occasion to doubt in some sort fol.151v
their speedy conveiance. I should mervel at that which was written from Flushing, of a practise of Mondragon for surprising Breda, and at that in like maner for the taking of Verdugo, but that I finde by the letters of the Englishe gentlemen of Flushing, and likewise by their conference, when they come to this place, that they are muche misin- formed of the actions, and affaires that passe in these quarters, For heere was never no suche report, nor any bruite to that purpose: as it were not al- most possible, that any occurrence of suche conse- quence should be kept from my knowledge: nor I would not be so careles, as not to write it with the soonest. Certaine hazarders of Berghen have mette a post of the Enemie, which was going towardes Brussels, and intercepted his lettres, which the Governor sent to me, to be further conveied to the Councel and Count Maurice. I have opened them all to the number of 30 being written for the most from the Spa, and from the townes about Grolle, by those that of late have passed the Rhine, their letters bearing date the 29 30 31 of this moneth, after their account. There is nothing to be gathered by their letters from the Spa, but that the D. of Parma is in good dispo- sition, and as they doe conjecture, about the first of September will returne into France. The rest of the letters from the townes about Grolle, doe greatly discover the weaknes of their forces, through want of mony and munition, victuals, good commaunders of their troupes, with other fol.152r
necessaries, for which they growe in disorder, and diminishe every day, with sundrie particularities which are fitte for Count Mauricce to knowe out of hand: for which I have imparted the letters to the states, and sent them presently to the Campe.
Astouching that levie of 2000 men whiche was promised long sins, to be made in Ju- liers, the time appointed was the first of August after this contrey style, the partie that undertooke it was one stolbergh a Coronel. He preten- deth by his letters to be almost in a readines: but as farre as can be learned, by intelligence of others, they are nothing nighe the number: and those that he hath raised are unarmed altoge- ther. Whereby the Enemie lieng between us and them, they shall hardly be able to joine with Count Maurice. Howbeit Count Hollocke with two Cornets of horse, and 3 or 4 enseignes of foote, is gone to Sherembergh, which is a towne of the states upon the borders of Zutphen, about 2 miles distance from Disbourgh, and situat /thens/ southwest upon the /a/ gutte of the Rhine. There the Count will expect the companies of Juliers, and if he be not hindred by a greater force of the Enemie, convoy them to the campe, and then furnishe them after with necessarie armor. I will send your L. com- mendations to my yong L. of Bedford, who is at Leiden at this present. Albeit I am bound for many privat respectes to doe his L. any service, that my qualitie will affourd, yet I trust fol.152v
he doth perceave, that your letter unto me, whiche I receaved of himself, was a special obligation. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. July 29 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
Postscript: At the closing up of this lettre, I receaved from the Commissarie Sparhawke of Berghen, the muster roles of that garrison with an Abbreviat of the same, which I send your L. heere annexed.