Reference: TNA, SP 84/44/244 f.244r-245v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0386/008
Date: 16 April 1592
Note: A lacuna is left before 'Guilpin'.
fol.245vLater Addition: 16 April 1592
Endorsed: 16 April 1592 Memorial for Master Bodeleies revocation./
Trusty etc. Wheareas yowe have serrved us a longe time theare, as owr Counsellor with the States of the united provinces, and have manie times required license of us to repaire hither for the disposicion of yowr owne privat busines, by reason of the deathe of yowr father: And thowgh wee have a good time forborne to agree theareunto bicawse /both/ of yowr sufficiency in yowr /tht/ serrvice theare /and necessites to contynew the same/, from the which wee cowld hardlye spare yowe: Yet both to showe owr allowance of yowr serrvice, and to content yowe in yowr reasonable request wee can forbeare noe longer to refuse to grawnt the same unto yowe: But doe by thes pointes license yowe at such time as yowe shall finde convenient in regard of owr serrvice, to make yowr repaire from thence, and to deliver Instruccions such as yowe shall thinke fitt to owr sevant Guilpin /for his attendance ther/ of whose diligence, and knowledge in owr serrvice wee are very well perswaded, and so wee require yowe for his more Comfort to informe him: And for the satisfaccion of the States thence wee doe send to yowe owr lettres directed to them signifieng this owr purpose, not dowbting but they will assent theareunto and geve yowe safe Conduct for yowr passadge.