Reference: TNA, SP 84/44/177 f.176r-179v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0383/008
Date: 01 April 1592
Note: On fol.177r and at the words 'liked of my motion' there are two vertical lines in the margin.
Copies: 1117
fol.176rAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord high Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 1o April 1592. Master Bodeleie to my L./
May it please your good L. I was certified from yow the 24 of February which was your L. last that is come to my handes, That her Majestie liked of my motion, for the surplus of the forces that are in these contreis, when their garrisons are assured, to be sent into France. If her Highnes be resolved to have it put in execution, it will be needefull to commence, to solicit out of hand. Withall as I have written in my last to your L. it will availe very muche, that Master Buzenval be required, to bend his best cogitations, to persuade them heere unto it. For though I take no delite to advertise or censure the actions of others, yet urged ther- unto for her Majesties better service, I can not choose but signifie, that I looke for litle helpe by meanes of his endevors. He was forward at first to further the motion: but after a while I founde him faint: and nowe of late I have learned, that he opposeth very hard, and practiseth against it. For wheras bothe of us agreed, to feele a farre of the affections of some persons, by way of discourse, and not as of a thing that we meant to put in suite, he hath secretly acquainted Count Maurice and others, that I have bin the mover of this mater to her Majestie. Wherupon I am informed that the Count is somewhat troubled, not knowing howe in reason to gainesay the demaunde, and yet unwilling altogether, to have the contrey yelde unto it. Whether it come of some spe- cial designe, or onely of desire to gratifie the Count, that he forgatte himself so muche, I can fol.177v
not signifie directly, but I see that his dealing hath bin full of collusion. And withall I am afraide, that to smoothe the humor of Count Mau- rice, he hath used some prevention in persuading of the Kinge, to refraine from that request, for offen- ding this people. Whiche I also thinke the ra- ther, for that within these 3 daies he hath dealt un- derhand with Sir Francis Vere, not onely not to second me, but to induce me to surcease, from poursu- ing the mater further. All his reasons are so weake, as I am not to trouble yow with rehersall of any. That wherupon he insisteth most, is a feare that he conceaveth, if the Kinge be thus re- lieved, with the aide of this contrey, then her Majestie will be slacker in the sending of that succor, which other- wise, he thinkes, she would willingly affourd. But I have told him very plainely, that his feare in that behalf having nothing but conjecture, should not move him so muche, as the greatnes of the be- nefit, which was assured to the King, by the use of those forces. And if her Highnes purse were spared for five or six monethes, it could not any way re- dound to the dommage of the Kinge: but rather it were a meanes, to drawe her treasure more at length, for the serving his turne: wheras other- wise he might thinke that in time it would be wasted with the excessive summes of mony, that are daily consumed in the warres of these con- treis, in her services by sea, in the charge of those two regiments, that are in Normandie and Bri- taine, and in other great deboursements, for sup- port of the Kinges estate. I have also made him privy, what I heare heere in conference fol.178r
with many persons of qualitie That setting a part all privat respectes, which may happely move some particular Province, or some principall martial men, to keepe their forces heere at home, the chiefest part of the people will finde it best for themselves aswell /as/ for the Kinge, to folowe the example of the Pope, and the Spaniard, and those of the Ligue, to assault the Enemie jointly, and to convert all their power to wage an offensive warre in France. So as nothing is required for effecting of the mater, but to use some dexteritie of remonstrance and intreatie, to purchase their good liking whose backwardnes we doubt.
I have also sette him downe a very plaine demon- stration, howe the Kinge may be strengthned with 6000 men from hens, (accounting those in the number, that were lately sent thither) and that without any prejudice to the safetie of any Province. And that of nine hundred thousand florins, which is thought will be gathered of their publicke con- tribution, for the service of this sommer, they may spare, if thei list, a very round summe of mony for the intertenment of his ruters. This I thought to be sufficient, to make him earnest in a mater appertening to his duty and to the service of his master. But in truth he hath folowed a very strange course, wherof I could not but give notice, though I can be well content, if your L. be so pleased, not to have it made knowen, that I have written this unto yow. Upon advertisment heere, that the Spaniardes in Britaine increase in number and in strength, there hath bin a meeting of the Generall states, to consult about some meanes, with the helpe of her Majestie that the course of their trafficke be not hindred by it. fol.178v
But they can not yet determine, what meanes they should devise. They made their ans- wear this day, and gave it in writing to the Empe- rors Ambassador: which contened litle other then the substance of that letter, which I projected long agoe, with intention to send it, if her Majestie had assented, to the Ambassadors at Brussels. I thinke they of themselves will certifie her Majestie what answear they have given, and send a transcript of the same. I will otherwise procure it, and send it with the first. and so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. April 1 1592. Your L most humbly bound Tho. Bodley
Later Addition: 1 April 92/