Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D X f.14br-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0009/008
Date: 04 March 1592
Note: Severe fire damage obscures much of the text.
Copies: 0599
Later Addition: 4 March [[To]] Master Bodly
Later Addition: Bodeley.
After our verie hartie Commendations [[.]] knight in the tyme of the i ploiement of the late Ea[rle .] in those Lowe Countreys had severall Charges in the pa[[.] States generall there as Sergeany Major of ther Ar[my .] of Bergenopt Zome, and as Capten of a Companie of footem[en .] Entertainementes as by sondrie warrantes for his paie under [[.]] of the said Earle maie appeare, upon the which there is [[.]] him as he alleagethe certaine sommes of money amounting to [[.]] and upwarde, appearing by the said warrantes. Forasmuche [[as]] his humble peticion her Majestie hathe ben pleased at this tyme [[.]] spetiall lettre to recommende to the States his suite unto the [[.]] paiement and satisfaction of the sommes due unto him: we h[[.]] good in his favour to requier you to deliver her Majesties lettre [[to the]] States and to sollicite them in his behalf, as so directed from [[.]] that at her instance the rather they wilbe contented to y[[.]] presente paiement of somuch as he shall make proofe to be du[[e .]] him, or suche reasonable satisfaction, as he have no fu[[rther]] cause of recourse in this case to her Majestie, or if they cha[[.]] so to doe, that then they certefie their answeare in writing as they shall like to deliver, that upon consideracion therof [her]Majestie maie be furder moved in Compassion of the gentl[[eman .]] afforde him suche other assistance for the recoverie of h[[.]] as in Justice shall appartaine. Herein we praie you to u[[se .]] best and uttermoste endevour in the behalf of the gentleman, you shalbe informed particularelie in what Tearmes he [[.]] standethe, in reguarde of his former pursuite made unto th[[em]] in this case, and what maie be answeared to the objections [[.]] make against his warrantes and demaundes, whereunto we [[.]] you, and so bidd you hartelie farewell. From the Co[[.]] James the iiijth of Marche 1592 Your verie Loving [[friends]] John Cant John Puckering William Burghley Henry Derby Essex Charles Howard Hunnsdon Buckehurst Robert Cecyll John Wolley Fortescuehref=""