Reference: Kent U1475, C18/18, fol.200r - 201v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1413/008
Date: 21 November 1591
fol.201vAddressed: To the honorable Sir Robert Sidney knight L. Governor of the towne of Flushing
Later Addition: To the [.] my very singular good [.]
Later Addition: 1591
Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
I doe not doubt but your L. is informed of her Majesties desire to have some companies from hens, for the service of Rouen. There was never worse time to propose suche a mater, for that the Deputies of the states are all in their Provinces, and no assemblie held at all. And as for this councel, it is unpossible to drawe them to determine upon it, for that it passeth their commission, to send any forces out of the territories of the contrey. Howbeit with muche a doe, and with long debate I have brought them to this, that albeit they can give no licence, yet they will be contented, by way of continunation and secret permission, to suffer them to passe, and to cast it upon us, that are heere for her Majestie which I thought expedient to rectifie with all possi- ble speede, to the ende that suche parmission, as your L. is to make, may be presently prepared. For the commissary Sparhawke is already dispatched with patents to those places, where the companies are in garrison. All is so slient and quiet heere with us, that I have nothing els of worth to be written to your L. For which I bidde yow for this present most hartely farewell. From the Hage. November 21 1591 Your L. most assured and at commaundement Tho. Bodley.href=""