Letter ID: 1409
Reference: Kent U1475, C18/15 fol.176r-177v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1409/008
Date: 6 June 1591



Addressed: A Monsieur Monsieur de Sidney Chevalier et governeur de la ville de Vlissingnes

Later Addition: 6 June 1591



Later Addition: Sir Thomas Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney

For want of good leasure to discourse as I would, I send your L. heerewith the copie of a letter, which I writte this morning unto my L. Treasurer. I thinke the party will embarke at Flushing, and, as I am per- suaded, will come to your L. Sins his going from hens I doe learne that he is very full of mony, to a greater summe then a common souldier, and a man of his shewe is wont to carie. His answear was to one that sawe his money, that he had it of your L. to pay at the campe: which maketh me suspect that he may be have bin hired for some worse intent, then he pretendeth, and that he useth my letter, but in steede of a passeport, to gette in to England. I pray your L. if he chance to come unto yow, or otherwise to if by enquirie yow shall finde him in Flushing, to examine him strictly, to suche purpose as your self shall see cause, and if yow finde it requisit, to take my letter from him: and to detene him till suche time, as yow have adver- tised my L. Tresurer of him: which I referre to your L. wisdome. The man is of a lowe stature, of the age of 33 or thereabout, appa- relled meanely, with a cloke of the collor of this bearers, a greene paire of nether stockes, and an old embrodered sattin doublet. Our campe this morning removed towardes Groeninghen: but their artillerie was em- barked 4 daies before. If your L. pelase to send your letters to Master Copcot, I have given suche order, as he will send them very safely. From the Hage. June 6 1591. Your L. ever and at commaundement Tho. Bodley.
