Reference: Kent U1475, C18/12 fol.170r-171v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1406/008
Date: 20 May 1591
fol.1701vAddressed: A Monsieur Monsieur de Sidney Chevelier et Governeur de la Ville de Vlissingnes.
Later Addition: 20 May 1591.
Later Addition: Sir Thomas Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
I assure your L. I knowe not what to make of that siege of the towne of Ostend. For me thinkes that garrison is more trobled with a siege in report, then some other would be troubled with a siege in action. We shall see by this winde, what answear will be made to that letter of the Councel, which was sent unto her Majestie. To your L. letter, with the booke of Barowe, for which I thanke yow very hartely, I sent a present answear the next day after: which I can not nowe remember to whome I delivered, nor what other mater it contened. And though I thinke there were nothing, that could turne me to anger, yet in truth I am angrie, that any letter should miscarie. Our Councel of state is removed to Utrecht, and will reside ether there, or in some other place, that is neere to the campe: where I purpose to goe after, but that I looke by this winde for some letter from home, which I would willingly receave before I goe from the Hage. Since the taking of Zutphen sconce, I knowe not what action is undertaken of the campe For in the absence of the Councell our intelli- gence heere is exceeding slender. Howbeit it is given out, that they are busily occupied about the planting of artillerie before the towne it self of Zutphen. As any certaintie cometh of any mater of worthe, I will advertise your L. with the spediest op- portunitie: which I would not have omitted for a weeke or two past, but that I made fol.170vfull account, that your L. was departed and would before this have bin at the campe. The Germany Levie goeth forward very slowely. For I am newly nowe advertised from Sir Horace Pallavicine, that they will not be ready to come forward till the 12 of July. Their nombers will be suche, as were demaunded at the first: 6000 horse and 9000 foote, 1200 pioners, & Canons, and 12 feeld peeces. Which way they shall passe it is /not/ yet resolved. And so I cease not at this present from trou- bling your L. till other mater be offered, From the Hage. May 20 1591. Your L. Wholy and at commaundment Tho. Bodley