Reference: Kent U1475, C18/11 fol.166r-167v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1405/008
Date: 29 April 1591
fol.167vAddressed: To the honorable Sir Robert Sidney knight L. Governor of the towne of Flushing.
Later Addition: Sir Thomas Bodley to the same concerning the States General & his proceedings with them & his desire to being recalled.
Later Addition: Sir Thomas Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
I was at Enchusen, when your Lordship letter came hither of the 20 of this present: which was the cause of my stay, from answearing sooner, albeit there was no mater that required a speedy answear. Your Lordships conjecture is very right concerning Sir Edward Norreis, who giveth great occasion, and every day more, of just discontentment to the Councel of State.If your Lordship have suche stoare, as yow can spare me a copie of those Brownistes bookes, I will give them the reading, and your L. harty thankes. I would your going for England at Michelmas, were brought to Midsommer, for that it is easier at first to hinder ill impressions, then to route them out after, being once con- ceaved. Albeit for your Lordship I can not ghesse at any mater, that should cause a dislike unles it be not to be liked, that yow keepe so well in tune, with the states of these con- treis: which I knowe is the best for her Majesties service, and shall be alwaies my endevor, and if it be not well construed, it will occasion, I hope, that I shall be revoked, which hath bin very lately my humble sute unto her Majestie. I have moved his Excellencie about your Lordships company /Company/ in whome there wan- teth no willingnes, as he hath shewed by his speeches, in conferring with the councel. But they can not for the present assigne yow any place, and they thinke it not need- full, considering they are ready to goe into the feelde. Wanting other mater, I commend Your Lordships designes to Gods good direction. From the Hage April 29 1591 Your L. ever and at commaundement. Tho. Bodley.