Reference: Kent U1475, C18/8 fol.158r-159v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1402/008
Date: 8 April 1591
fol.159vAddressed: To the honorable Sir Robert Sidney knight, L. Governor of the towne of Flushing.
Later Addition: 8 April 1591
Later Addition: Sir Thomas Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
I assure your L. there hath wanted no willingnes in the Councel of state, to take some order about your company. But those of Waggening (for other place they knowe not) have bin urged by their letters very earnestly twice, and will not hearken to any thing. For they will nether admitte any companies more, nor no Englishe men at any hand. Hereof they have advertised his Excellencie with whome if your L. shall please to conferre, some other meanes may be found: especially nowe that their forces are ready to be drawen into the fielde. Your Lieutenant was desirous to have the Councels patent for removing out of Berghen, and of my him /self/ would make a shift, to be receaved some where in those upper quarters. But the Councel would wonder, if I should make suche a motion, and they will never proceede in that disorderly sort. Howbeit I doe not doubt, but your L. with with his Excellencie will take some other course, that may be more to your owne, and the contreis sa- tisfaction. And so I bidde your L. most hartely farewell. April 8 Your L. at commaundement Tho. BodleyLater Addition: [Opim] Fol.221
Postscript: I writte this letter to be sent by Lieutenant White: but though I signified so muche unto him, and used him cour- teously, he went his way without my letter, and without any farewell.