Reference: Kent U1475, C18/7, fol.156r-157v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1401/008
Date: 4 April 1591
Note: At the words 'course will but falle' the writing continues perpendicular in the left hand margin.
fol.157vAddressed: To the honorable Sir Robert Sidney knight L. Governor of the towne of Flushing
Later Addition: 4 April 1591
Later Addition: Sir Tho Bodley to Sir Robert Sydney
This bearer came to signifie of his going to Flushing, when your Lordship letter came unto me of the last of Marche. And for the enterprise whereof yow write, if it can be achieved without the states, then better so, then not at all. But happely tract of time will minister some ouverture, to effect it well enough Without their privitie. Count Maurice hath promised this Councell, at his arrival in Zeland, to cause two companies of their owne to be sent to Ostend. If it come your L. well to passe, as I think it will, to speake with him of it, a worde or two unto him, to hasten his promise, will be very requisit. For as farre as I can perceave by the Governor of Berghen; he was not willed by her Majesties letter, to send any thither, unles the states did neglect it. I knowe Sir Edward Norreis will be very muche trobled to be thus disappointed: but the Councell here is trobled more, that they can not command in a towne of their owne. For mine owne part I thinke I knowe their humor so well, as I suppose they will rather doe; as at Gertrudenbergh, give the towne to the Enemie, then be bridles of their willes. It doth revive among some a sinister suspicion, that her Majesties ministers would be masters of their townes, and bring their Contrey into thraldome as muche as the Spaniards: whose governmet they abjured for defense of their liberties. In effect the end of this course will but falle to be troublesome and prejudiciall, both to her Majestie herself, and to all our nation and her Majesties service advanced nothing by it. Sir Francis Vere hath written from Utrecht unto me, that it hath bin his owne good happe, to finde the theefe that robbed him. this mony is all come to 15li but it seemeth his apparell will be all recovered. Having no other mater I end with all good wishes to your L. endevors. From the Hage. Ap 4 1591 Your L. at commaundement Tho. Bodleyhref=""