Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.280r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1213/008
Date: 26 November 1591
Later Addition: Belgia 1591 26 November
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591. November
Later Addition: Master Bodeley./
Sir. By your letter of the xxth of this moneth browght hither to mee by this bearer, I understand your wise and good caringe of this matter soe muche desyred by hir Majestie for the sending of the seaven com- panies to Diepe, which it semeth theie rather are willinge showlde passe by sufferance, than by their license or direction: but howesoever yt was, it is that hir Majestie desyred to have them sent thither nowe at this time when soe great Cawse maie be to use their service, and I doe not dowbt but before this my letters can come to your handes theie will be imbarqued from thence: I cowld have wisshed that the States would have liked to have sent sum other Compagnies of theire owne, but the reasons shewed by yowe, satisfied mee that yowe moved not the same. For anie further awnsweare either of this your letter or anie other, I will remitt to sum other time, when I maie have better leisure than presentlie I have, onelie I have thowght good at this time to lett yowe understand of the receipt and good acceptance of your lettres. And so I commend mee hartelie to you./ From the Cort this xxvjth of November 1591. Your vearie Lovinge frend./ William Burghleyhref=""