Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f. 255r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1092/008
Date: 09 November 1591
Later Addition: Belgia 1591 9 November To Master Bodly
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: November
Sir. The great hast which is required at this present for the service whereof hir Majesties lettres unto yowe shall make mention, will not suffer mee to write of anie other matter but must earnestlie require yowe to hasten this expedicion; whearein the Quenes Majestie hath soe great reason to require the States to permitt hir, as in [good] providence theie owght rather to offer such an intermission of hir Majesties charges there to be soe necessarelie emploied for the French K. namelie for the winning of Roan. which if he showld loose for lack of aide, his whole estate woulde be in perill, and by winning of yt, he shall increase his fortune greatlie./I dowbt not but the states Generall would rather send sum messingers to Coloigne, to the Ambassadors theare, than to admitt accesse of any of them into thos Cuntries./
Yowe shall not neade to trowble your self, with anie hard construcion by Sir Edward Norris, or his frendes, for that I my self will alwaies acquite yowe for your frendlie dealinge in his Cawse, and nowe uppon his Submission delivered to Monsieur de Charon, I hope the States will bee pacefied, and receive him uppon proof of amendment: which he promiseth to performe./
I praie yowe by the next messinger that you can, to lett mee knowe when thes men maie be readie to be shipped, soe as I maie advertise my L. of Essex theareof./
And so I Commend mee hartelie to yowe./ From my house in the Strand this ixth of November. 1591. Your vearie Loving frend./ William Burghley.
Postscript: I had rather the states had the [Commission] at Gronnighen, than hir Majesty. for therby must arise a new chardg to hir Majesty. and we have allredy to many Irons in the fyre.