Letter ID: 1088
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.245r-250v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1088/008
Date: November 1591
Note: On fol.245r there is the signature 'V.V.'
Copies: 1366 



Later Addition: November

Later Addition: November M. of a lettre wich Master Bodeley offered to wright to the Emperors Ambassadors in his owne hand.

Later Addition: Belgia 1591

Having lately understoode, aswell by those letters which yow have written to the states, and to your frindes in these contries, as by divers other meanes of assured intelligence, that yow determine very shortly to addresse your selves to the forsaid states, and in the name of the Em- perors Majestie to motion some agreement between them and the Spaniard, I have thought it ve- rey requisit for discharge of my duty to my Sou- veraigne Lady and mistresse the Q. Majestie of England, who hath bin pleased to honour me, with the place of her Counsailor in this Councel of state, and for those principal respectes, which I beare in all humilitie to the Emperors Majestie betweene whome and my Souveragine all offices of amitie have bin alwaies intertened, to prevent your comming hither with suche advise as this place, and my function will affourde. It is ten monethes agoe that the states of these contreis, upon advertisment receaved of your purposed voiage then, to the like effect as nowe, for the advancement of a peace, directed presently their letters, both to the Emperors Majestie and to certaine Princes of the Empire, to the end they should surcease from poursuing that intent, for that it tended al- together, as was effectually declared, to the ruine of their state, and to the Enemies sole advantage. It was hoped therupon that the reasons then allea- ged, which made a plaine demonstration of many daungerous inconveniences, that were like to growe fol.245v

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growe upon it, had dissuaded his Majestie from folowing his designe. But forasmuche as that hope is altogether frustrat, to the exceeding great gri/e/fe of the forsaid states, and of as many heere, or wheresoever, as are ether embarked in the self same cause, or perfitly acquainted with the state of their affaires, I doe not doubt but that they of them- selves will be as carefull, as is possible, to fore- cast the very woorst, that they may not be surprised by the glavering offers of the Enemie. Nevertheles for the readier prevention of all that may happen, and for the better acquitting of my charge and duty to my Souveraigne, I am to signifie more unto yow, concerning this treaty which yow pur- pose to negotiat, then hath bin happely expressed in any letter of the states, or otherwise imparted to the Emperors Majestie and to yow. What it was that moved the Q. Majestie of England, to undertake the protection and defense of these Provinces, I thinke there is no doubt, but that the Emperors Majestie doth knowe sufficiently, and according to his wisedome doth approve her pro- ceeding. For she hath not dealt in secret and couvertly, but proceeded with all integritie, and by publicke declaration, in which her reasons are proposed to the censure of all the worlde. But what hath passed in accorde betweene her Majestie and this people, and in what conditions ether par tie is subject unto other, that is it which I sup- pose is wholy unknowen to the Emperors Majestie and to yow, or not so knowen in every point as [hath] fol.246r

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hath bin solemnely by them, and reciprocally contracted. It may therfore please yow to be informed, that among other articles and couvenants it is a special point agreed, that nether the General nor Particular states of these Provinces, shall enter into treaty with the common Enemie the Spaniarde, nor with any Prince or Potentat in his behalf, without the privitie and assent of the Q. Majestie of England. And to as many as are heere of her Majestie ministers, be thei Governors of townes, commaunders in the feelde, or other officers of trust, there is nothing recommended more precisely to their charge, nor more effectually sette downe in the othe which they have taken to their Souveraigne and this contrey, then that they shall observe, and cause to be ob- served to their uttermost endevor, the foresaid article of the Treaty. By vertue wherof I do declare by these presents, and notifie unto yow, that we are all of us determined, to discharge the services of credit committed heere unto us. And though we knowe there is no doubt, but that the states of these contreis doe finde their owne prosperitie, and can see the afflicted state of those Provinces and townes, that are not of the Union: for which it is to be presumed, that they will not disesteeme, or not sufficiently esteeme those extra- ordinarie graces, with whiche God hath so often, and nowe so very lately, blessed their exploites: but rather will goe forwarde with a greater cour- rage against the Enemie, both by assaulting him by force fol.246v

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force, and impeaching his unjust and fraudu- lent designes. Nevertheles, as if we knewe not that intention of the foresaid states, we are thus muche of our selves to signifie from hens, that unles yow come autorised to this treaty of peace with the allowance and warrant of the Q. our Mistresse we must all in generall, and every one in par- ticular stande against yow, not onely with good arguments of reason and persuasion, but with all the meanes that we can make, by any violence or force to disturbe your attemptes: and that without attending or expecting what the Contrey shall resolve. This message, I knowe, may seeme unto yow strange, considering that the in- tention of the Emperor tendeth only to a Con- corde, whiche is a mater well worthy of his wisedome and puissance, and a thing to be embraced of every good Christian. But suche is the bonde of our alleageance to our Souve- raigne, the importance of our othes in respect of the Contract, and our duties in general to the cause[s] of these contreis, that without our Princes dispensation, we may not swarve from this course, whiche I have signified heere unto yow. Never- theles, to say somwhat to the mater, for whiche your comming is intended, albeit it is not my principal purpose, nor a subject to be handled in so short a letter, yet the cause being general and yow indifferently affected to make a fruit- full composition, and that without any prejudice to fol.247r

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to one side or other, upon this opportunitie of wri- ting unto yow, I hope yow will vouchesafe to consider upon the growndes, for which this people will refuse to come in treaty with the Spaniard.

First they say, It is certaine, whatsoever is aver- red by any to the contrary, that the Kinge of Spaines disposition is wholy opposit to peace. And this is proved apparantly by a common observation, which is in every mans discourse, that there is no warre at this day in any part of Christendome, but is directly or indirectly sturred and main- tened by the K. of Spaine. What example can be plainer, then his present partaking in the Kingdome of France? Where without a just occa- sion, or pretext of just occasion, he endevoureth to depose the right owener from his scepter, and all under collor of zele and devotion to the Romishe religion. And if that be all his cause, as his pretence is no other, would the Emperors Majestie have this people to imagine, that the Kinge of Spaine can be pleased, to permitte unto them over whome he clameth a right and absolut autoritie, the use of that religion, for the extirpa- tion wherof he poursueth a forraine Prince, with all the actes of hostilitie, that he can possiblely practise? His purpose is too manifest: he mindes to make holy day with the states of these contreis, till his maters in France succeede to his minde, and then his hope is, undoubtedly, that not onely these Provinces United, but England and fol.247v

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and Scotland, and every part of Germany, or of any other contrey, that is different from him in religion, or disjoined in faction, shall accept of suche lawes as he for his benefit shall prescribe unto them. But lett it be admitted, that his desire to be at peace, is in deede so sincere, as all men knowe it is dissembled, It is not integrum no more to the people of this contrey, to condescend to his demaunde. For their obedience unto him was renounced longe agoe, as to a most cruel and unnatural Ty- ranne: for which they solemnely proceeded to a publicke Abjuration, by a special forme of wor- des: which not onely the Magistrates and officers of every towne, but every one in a maner of the meanest of the people hath vowed to observe. And their vowes to that effect have bin conti- nually confirmed, with as many letters, and boo- kes, and publicke Actes, as have bin published ever sins. Besides, as I have shewed, they are bounde by a special league to her Majestie of England, the onely Prince in Christendome that hath protected their estate with the danger of her owne, not to deale in any motion for ac- cording with the Enemie, without her notice and avowe. And for her better assurance, aswell of that as of other conditions, they have put in to her custody in lieu of cautions and pledges, suche places for townes, as there are not any belonginge to the states of these contreis of greater importance. fol.248r

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importance. Whiche if her Majestie should convert to their uttermost annoiance, provoked therunto by the infraction of their partes, no doubt their forces are so slender, that their present florishing state would quickly come to ruine. There is also this to be considered, that seing the Frenche K. is notoriously wronged by the Spaniardes oppression, and is linked to this nation in the qualitie of his cause, and they have hitherto assisted him with suche reliefe as their state is able to affourde, it can not any way concurre with the honor of their actions, besides the multitude of perils to whiche they may be subject, to assent to any peace, without his special approbation. But to suppose, if yow please, that they may, if they list, growe in amitie with the Enemie, and may revoke what- soever they have formerly done or contracted to the contrary, and that without any prejudice to them- seves or to their neighbors, yet this were nothing to these contreis to make them hearcken to a peace. For not onely the better sort heere, and suche as are most conversant in the affaires of their govern- ment, but every simple person of vulgar under- standing can lay before yow many reasons, and can make it evident by proofes that are familiar to all the world, that there can be no Assurance in any peace with the Spaniard. They have alwaies observed, and doe observe every day, by their owne experience, and by the examples of others, by the lettres of advise, whiche they have taken of the Kinge, and fol.248v

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and by all his proceedinges with them and with others, that all his promises and proposals are capti- ous and counterfaict, tending onely to entrappe, and to gaine a litle time, that by abusing their credulitie, he may watche a fitte occasion to be revenged upon them. This /they/ have tried former times, by the treacherous Treaties of Breda, of Marche in Famine, and of Collen: of whiche and other like, the memorie with them is so freshe, and the dommages so great which they have sustened by the losse of divers townes and Provinces, and by dan- gerous alterations, which the Enemie with his cunning sette a foote among the Commons, as if they trust him any more, they might seeme to be berefte of all good use of common sense. But besides the examples among themselves, they sawe the other day in his dealing with England, a most palpable patterne of Spanishe falshoode and deceat. For even then, and at the same instant, that his ministers were imploied to persuade her Majestie to a peace, by proposing unto her very plausible conditions, he armed a Navy to the seas, which in his Lucifers pride he termed Invincible, to make a conquest of her Kingedome. But howe that wickednes was punished by the mightie hand of God, it is knowen er this to all the worlde, and it will be recorded to all posteritie. Againe by Gods good providence they have had the happines of late, to intercept certaine letters subscribed with his /the kinges/ owne hand, and addressed to Don Guillaume fol.249r

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Guillaume de St Clement his owne Ambassador in the Emperors court, by whiche it doth appeere, that howsoever his offers are outwardly desguised with the cloake of Pacification, the secret drift of his harte, and his inward intention is full of ma- liae and imposture. In effect all his actions are directed by that most unchristian, and barbarous maxime, That with an Hereticke there is no faith to be observed. Whiche infa- mous point of doctrine was most wickedly devised by the Pope and Popishe Princes, to serve their worldly turnes: distrusting as it seemeth the truth of their owne Religion, As if God were not able, their cause being just, (as they are persuaded) and their party being greater by many multitudes of people, to uphold their estate without the breache of common faith. But if this be so maintened against Heretickes in general, what application will be made by the Kinge and his favourers against the Heretickes of this contrey? Whiche have taken armes against him, have renounced his religion, solemnely deposed him by way of Abjuration, and delivered unto others the possession of his Landes. It is certaine, in conclusion, howsoever all his offers are masqued with faire promises, and sette out unto the shewe, they are in- wardly full of guile, and of a dangerous double meaning. But thankes be to God the people of these Provinces have a special insight in their owne fol.249v

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estate, and give /can/ give a singular judgement of the nature of these motives of the Emperors Majestie. They have felt so very often the smart of those roddes of the Spanishe Pacifications, that they can certifie their courses by their owne experience, whereby they knowe, as I have signified, That first the Kinge hath no willingnes to esta- blishe any peace: secondly that it is not in their power to admitte any treaty: and thirdly that they can have no securitie by any composition. And yet againe to presuppose, that the Kinges in- tention were entier and unfained, that the contrey heere were at libertie to make their owne peace, and that the Kinges proceeding had given no occasion, to incurre so great suspicion, yet to returne againe to that, which is the chiefest occasion of my writing unto yow, Unles yow shewe for your comming the liking and per- mission of her Majestie my Souveraigne, I must needes forwarne yow as before, That as many of us as heere of her Majesties subjectes, doe resolve to withstand yow, as perturbers of the amitie be- tween her and the contrey. And in that respect every man in his charge will accom- plishe the duties of his faith and obedience, by forcing yow from hens. And though I speake in this sort very plainely and roundly, being bound therunto by myne othe and alleageance, yet I rest out of doubt, that your singular wisedomes will 250r

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will expounde my meaning to the best, and being so muche preadvertised of the strict alliance and Contract betweene her Majestie and these contreis, will forbeare upon it to goe forward with your voi- age intended. But if it falle out so in truth, as in semblance is pretended, that the kinge of Spaine ether weeried with his warres, or reduced to extremitie, or finding in continuance that God doth not prosper his dissembled pro- ceedinges, shall be willing nowe at lengt[h] to speake as he thinketh, and to stipulat a firme and a durable peace, there is no other kinde of meanes to effect his purpose, but by causing the like proffers of peace, as are made to these Provinces, to be presented in like sort to her Majestie of England, to the Kinge in france, and to as many other Princes as sitte complaining at the helme of one common cause, and runne in danger to be drowned in the bottomlesse gulf of the Spa- nishe Ambition. To this there is no doubt but the Kinge will condescend, if his minde and meaning be cleere and upright, and this is it which her Majestie my Souveraigne, the states of these Contreis, and every forraine Potentat will most willingly helpe forward, with all the meanes of assistance that they can minister unto him.