Letter ID: 1081
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.227r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1081/008
Date: 07 October 1591



Later Addition: Belgia: 1591. October:

Later Addition: Belgia 1592 7 October [[to]] Master Bodly

Endorsed: William Waad

After our hartie Commendacions you shall understand that Monsieur Charon hathe presented unto hir Majestie the forme of a placard intended to be published by the Estates of the united provinces which he hath shewed to hir Majestie not as a thinge fully Resolved but conceaved by them to aunswere the demand made by hir Majestie for the Restraint of the transportacon of victuells in to Spaine and the west partes And becawse her Majestie doth finde the imperfection of the said Placard, not satisfyeng her expectacon and that which they in all regard of reason ought to have parformed in the prohibicon of victuels and graine to be transported into Spaine and the west partes: her highnes hath thought good to note the same by this declaracon which you shall receave herewith all to imparte unto them wherein you may se these waightie reasons which her Majestie doth urge to make them consider better of this matter, which her pleasure /is/ you shall maintaine and fortefie with such argument and reasons as you shall think meet and serving to that purpose Moreover whereas [dudst] thinges have ben propounded unto them both by you and Master Wilkes at his last being there whereunto as yet they have geven no /full/ aunswer nor satisfaction, you may hereby take occasion to put them againe in mynd of those matters that her Majestie may at the length receave their resolucon And so fare you well from the Court at Otlandes the 7th of October 1591 Your Loving Frindes Christopher Hatton: Cancellor William Burghley Charles Howard Hunnsdon Buckhurst Robert Cecyll John Wolley Fortescue
