Letter ID: 1077
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.218r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1077/008
Date: 21 September 1591



Later Addition: September Edward Norris

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591 September

Master Bodley I have receaved your lettre, which I thancke vearie hartelie for and since that annother from the States, wherin it appeares that my sending of Mattroote to them hath satisfyed them, so as that lettre requireth no answeare. Concerning the contribucion assoone as they shall set downe any course to be taken in it, it shall be parfourmed. And for other matters I leave to this bearers relacion. Who hath seene something of eich particular. When I shall receave lettres from the States concerning the order for the contribucion I will presentlie send a man of myne owne unto you, and by him will wryt more Lardglie. Till then I will recommend me hartelie to your self and committ you to the tricon of the Allmightie. From Ostend this xxi September 1591 Your most assured Loving freind Edward Norreys

Postscript: Master bodley I had wrytten a long letter unto you in my defence against these untrue reportes made against me, but proceyving by [[the]] states letters that they are satisfyed with the reporte of Matruict [[.]] it needles. Cortykine was employed to brussels to stay a litell [[.]] have bene printed against her Majesty: I pray you therfore [[.]] you can for his deliverye
