Letter ID: 1073
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.211r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1073/008
Date: 03 September 1591



Later Addition: Belgia 1591 3 September

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: August

Good Master Bodlye, I have receyved a lettre from the States wherin they Complayne, that hir Majesties Companies in theis Countries imployed in Forrayne service, have bene provided with victualles at the greate Charge of the Countrie. This riseth upon Sir Henrie Norreis Company goinge for Brytaigne, and Captayne Pentons company latlye imployed into Normandye. Sir Henry Norries Company went from hence for Vlushinge to the other Companies there attendinge the same jornye, which accordinge to hir Majesties letters (not otherwyse) I Caused to be necessarrylie accommodated. The Towne here supplyeinge ther wantes for victuelles, to be resatisfied by Sir John Norreis Officers at Vlushinge, at the Companyes arryvall there, as I knowe order was lefte, and tyll the receyte of this lettere I knewe not bu[t] satysfaction had bene made; wherof the States knowe howe to satysfye themselves at Sir John Norreis handes /and in the meane time they may content these [burgers]/ As for the Charge the [.] my hand, which I here they have presented to the States as touchinge theis Charges, I gave them, therby to receyve their satysfactione, up[o]n the aryvall of the Company at Vlushinge, at the handes of Sir John Norreis officers there appoynted for the same purpose. As for the Charge they were at with Captayne Pentons Companye, I gave noe such directione to Charge the Towne with the victuellinge of them, but loked Sir Thomas Sherleyes deputye here should have done yt, whome I have nowe Caused to resatysfye the Towne. Therfor I beseach yowe accquaynte the States with this my aunswere herein, which I hope will satysfye them. And so with my most hartye Commendations I Leave yowe to God. Breill this iijth of September 1591. Your frend to commaund Thomas Burgh.
