Letter ID: 1067
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.193r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1067/008
Date: 10 August 1591
Copy of: 0329



Later Addition: 1591 10 August to my L. Treasurer

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: August

May it please your good L. Upon certain intelligence of the ennemies continewance in the places which I signifyed about 3 daies ago, it is generaly thought that his intention is still to staie in those quarters, partly to assure his levy out of Germany & partly to attend our coming to Nieumegen. For consydering how his numbers are encreased every daie, it is feared very much that if our armie were past the Wael, hee might force us to retire with domage & dishonor. Wherupon so small apparance being offred of the ennemyes removall, & our forces leesing time for all other exploites, it is resolved heer to daie in a general meeting aswell of the Councell as of the martiall commanders that for the better commodity of refreshing our army, & for attending what the ennemy will enterprise upon it, all the souldiers for a time shall be placed in garrison, but so conveniently distributed as they may come together againe in 2 or 3 daies, to bee suddenly employed, before the ennemy can have knoledge of any enterprise towardes, Moreoever yt hath earnestly bin requested by the states of Zeland, that some attempt should be given for surprising of Hulst in the land of Waes, which is a place of good importance to those of that province, & may force a great contrey to come in contribution the motion hath bin made & is very well liked, but no resolution is taken upon it. Nevertheles yt hath bin some occasyon of this present repartition of the troupes into garrison, for that they think yt will availe for the better execution of theyr purpose on the suddain. I have by a former acquainted your L. with the offer of the states to Monsieur de Reybous, in case the army of Germany could be drawen to come this way, to wit, of 10000li sterling in present paie & of bridges & boates, with other like necessaries to passe theyr army over rivers. There ys now an answere sent unto them from the vicount of Turen, & from Monsieur de Reibous, which they addresse unto Count Maurice, That your L. may bee informed what cause is pretended, that they have not accepted that offer of the states, I have sent you the transcript of theyr lettres to the Count, Monsieur de Turenne will not seem in his answere to speake so plainely as the other, who reporteth to Count Maurice the vicountes opinion of his inclination, to the having of those forces, which hee thought was over faint & cold for a matter of that weight. And so it was undoutedly, when he writ his lettre to the Vicount. For the offer from the states fol.193v

Endorsed: To my [L Treasurer] August [10 1591]

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: August

was made at such time, as the ennemyes army was lodged in the Betuwe, & all the country in such parplexity, as they douted very much, unles they could procure to be presently relieved with some forrain assistance, a great parte of these quarters mighte be easily spoiled, & the general state in danger. But three dayes after that offer they obtained a victory upon the ennemies horse, which caused them suddenly to forsake the Betuwe, & quenched the desire which the states had before, to call in the Germaines. Then yt was that Co. Maurice writt his letter to the vicount not refusing to accomplish whatsoever had bin offred, but somewhat quailing in his earnestnes in respect of entreaty, & leaving it wholy to the choise of the vicount him self. For alwaies before both the Count & the states had this parswasyon, that unles they should be driven to some extremity by the Ennemy, a short abode of the army could bring but litel benefit, & that yt could not bee so short, but that the countrey therby would be greatly dammifyed. Of this conceat of the Count I certifyed Sir Horace Pallavicine at his beyng with the Vicount, & as far as I can remember I writ the same unto your L. Because yt may appeare by the letter of Monsieur de Reybous that he reporteth so plainely what the vicount had conceaved upon spetiall affection that hee beareth to the Count, it might paradventure be offensively taken, if it should be understood that the lettre is imparted, which I leave unto your L. to consyder as you please. & so I take my &c. Arnham August 1591.
