Letter ID: 1056
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.169r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1056/008
Date: 28 June 1591
Copy of: 0315



Later Addition: Belgia 1591 [2]8 June [T]o my L Treasurer

Later Addition: Belgia. 1591. June:

May it please your good L. to be advertised that two daies after that the fort of Delfzile was yeelded up, which was don the 22 of this moneth, as then I writ unto your L. by two severall lettres or army marched towardes Opslacht, which is a sconse that the Ennemy held upon a point of land by Groninghen Diepe, within 2 English miles from Northorne, where Sir John Norreis received his great overthrow. It was 3 daies march from Delfzile, & a place of good strength, having in it a garrison of 150 souldiers & 5 great peeces of Artillery first yt was besieged with 2000 men, & for half a daie battered with 5 cannons: wherupon being summoned & not yeelding, the rest of the army was caused to approche, which brought them presently to parle. But better conditions then to departe with white rodes in theyr handes would not be graunted. There were found 3 english souldiers in the Ennemies service, which Sir Francis Vere stayd, & caused to be hanged in the english quarters. After the taking of this fort it was resolved that Emmentel should bee summoned, which is a place of like force as the former, & as wee are parswaded, will presently give over for feare of enforcement to a hard compoisition. Moreover for that all the fortes of the Ennemy in the Province of Groninghen which were not so few as 20 in nomber, are either taken by us, or forsaken by them selves, wherby the Towne of Groningen is greatly distressed, & excluded from all traffike, & meanes to come by vittailes, unles it be by land by the meanes of Coev/e/orden, which is a very strong fort of the Ennemy, situate in that parte of Overissel, which is called Drent, southwest from Groninghen, 7 Duch miles, for the joining of that place, it was /is/ thought expedient, that steenwick a great garrison towne, upon the northwest frontiers of overissel should be first taken in, aswell for the easier expugnation of Coeveorden, as for sondry other opportunityes, it being be a place that doth greatly dammify all the countrey therabout. All this was thus concluded yesterday, & the camp as this day removeth towardes Emmentel. But the Councel of State ys going towardes Steenwick, both to make provision for some wantes of the Army, & to accomodate them selves of some convenient place of resydence neer unto the Towne./ For which purpose wee are alredy in our waie so far as Lewarden from whence I write your L. this letter. The Duke of fol.169v

Endorsed: [To my L.] Tresurer [June] 28 1591.

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591 June:

Parma as wee are enformed wanting meanes of cariage vittailes & many other necessaries, & also of forces sufficient to encounter with ours is gon towardes Ruremonde a strong towne upon the Mose in Gelderland, with what intention wee knowe not assuredly, but as many men report to go for France. And yf it be trewe in my conceat of these actions all the souldiers of this army are so very well disposed, & the contrey so willing to furnishe [.] /what/ ys needfull, as her Majesty shall finde, that the forces of these contreys did never hethertoo parfourme a better sommers service. from Leewarden, June 28. 1591.
