Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.167r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1054/008
Date: 18 June 1591
Later Addition: Belgia 1591 18 June To Master Bodly
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: June.
Later Addition: Master Bodeley
Sir. Hir Majestie having been made acquainted with the awnswe[r] of Sir Thomas Morgan towchinge the informacion made by /against/ him, /by Master Chamberlaine/ of his removinge from the place of Provost Marshall of Ber- ghen up Zoom, and in like sort with that yowe have written to mee in the matter, is noe waie contented or satisfaied with the awnsweare of Sir Thomas Morgan, as I have plainelie let him understand the same, and his further contradiccions, if he showld use the same as I thinke he will not, would move hir Majestie to further offence: And therefore I praie yowe to advise him to geve place to hir Majesties plesure and Commaun- dement therein, if he shall seme unwilling to place Master Chamberlaine, as also to further Master Chamberlaine, to have the allowance of the Counsell of Estate, if anie devise have or showld be wrowght by that corse to stoppe his placing, whearein yowe shall well Content hir Majestie, for that I doe assure yowe, althowghe the gentlemans Case be but poore, yet hath he hir Majesties good opinion and favor, and frendes to urge this matter./ And so I Commend mee hartelie to yow From my howse in the Strand this xviijth of June. 1591. Your vearie Loving frend./ William BurghleyPostscript: It is thought that your recommenda tion of Crook, hyndrethe Master Chamberlaine, whom hir Majesty greatly favoreth, and willeth [[yow]] to parsist in the furder[yng] of his request.