Letter ID: 1052
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.165r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1052/008
Date: 13 June 1591
Copies: 0580 



Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: June:

Later Addition: 1591 13 June to Master Bodly

After our hartie Comendacions: Her Majestie is advertised aswell from the Lord Thomas Howard (being nowe with a Convenient Fleete between the Coast of Spayne and the Isles of Azores) as by other good meanes, that there is expected from the Indias this yeare, a vearie great and riche fleete, such as in noe yeare hertofore the like hath ben; supposed to be worth at the least 20 millions, and to be returned about the end of August next./ And forasmuchas the Quenes Majestie for her parte, is willing of herself to make out some strength of shipping to attempt the intercepting of the same, and wold be gladd to be therein assisted with some convenient nomber of good shipps of that Contrey, and can be contented that her freinds and Allies, nowe in Action against the King of Spayne, should be partakers of the bontie and commoditie that shall growe thereby; Her pleasure is, that with all dilligence upon the receipte hereof, you repaier to Conte Maurice and make overture unto him of this her Majesties intention, and with all to deale and parswade with him, that either of himselfe, with advise and allowance of the States, he will araie forth for this purpose, tenn good shipps, the least to be of the burthen of C: Tonns, well manned, and furnished, and to be victuelled for five moneths from the daie of their departure from the Ports where they shalbe prepared. And for the better advauncinge therof, you shall doe well to treate particularlie, with some of the States or Counsaillabout him, such as are of most Creditt and aucthoritie, and may best furder the motion, giving them to understand that in this adventure (if they prevaile) they shall have as large and equall parte of the Treasure, and other prize that shalbe taken, as the shipps of her Majestie and of her subjects, according to the rate of their burden, the number of their men, and victuell. You may for their better inducement hereunto, laie before them the publique benefitt that maie growe hereby, aswell to themselves as to her Majestie and the French King, not onlie by enjoying such /a/ masse of fol.165v

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: June

treasure (if God so blesse the enterprise) but by preventing the dessignes of the said spanishe king, intended to be executed by meanes of the same: which we leave unto you to be furder amplified in your discreation. And if by your good endevour and parswasion they may be induced to assent to the accomplishing hereof, then shall you requier them that their shipps may be forthwith put in a readines and to be at the Isle of wight to accompanie such of her Majesties, and others, as shalbe imploied in this service, by the last daie of Julie next after the old stile. Faile you not to give us speedie advertisement of their resolution in this behalf, to the end that if they shall refuse, we may advise howe to supplie that nomber of shipps required of them, by some other waye. And so not doubting of your endevour and dilligence herein to be used, we bidd you hartelie farewell. From the Court at Grenwi[ch] the xiijth of June 1591

Your verie loving freinds John Cant Christopher Hatton. Cancellor William Burghley H Derby Charles Howard Hunnsdon Cobham Buckehurst John Wolley Fortescue
