Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.164r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1051/008
Date: 12 June 1591
Note: On fol.164r there is the signature 'AA'.
Copy of: 0312
Later Addition: Belgia 15[91] 12 June To my L. Treasurer
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: June:
May it please your good L. I am newly come to Doccum which is from Groeningen half a daies journey, & heer I have mett with the Councel of State. The Count is come with all his forces, & is alredy encamped within a litell english mile of the Towne of Groeningen, It is thought that by this he hath stopped all the passages, that they cannot be relieved with provisyon of vittailes, But wee cannot yet learne what store ys in the Towne, Verdugo hath ernestly endevoured to put in a garrison, which they within withstand very stoutly, & they saie it is a cause that they ar greatly devided. Uppon the first arrival of the Count, the Ennemy was stricken with so great a terror, as they abandoned presently 15 places of strengthe, of which the greatest parte were sconces & fortes that might well have abidden the shott of the Cannon. Howbeyt Verdugo is encamped between us & the towne, but under savegard of the Canon & by common conjecture with some 1400 men. It is thought hee ys in hope to entertayne us that waie, till the Towne may be succored with furder forces from the Duke, who as wee are enformed is coming thetherward in parson with 5000 foote, & 600 horse, whether it be to come directly thether, or to invade some other place, while wee are buisied in these quarters, wee cannot yet understand. But the Count hath left behinde in Guelderland & Utrecht, 15 ensignes of foote, & 1/2 a cornet to empeache his attemptes. And yet the Frisons are so forward in the furtherance of this attempt enterprise, as they have renforced the army with as many new enseignes: so as yet wee do recken that they come at the least that are in these quarters to 12000 horse & foote. Because I know not very well how my lettres from hens wilbee safely convayed, by reason of my going so farr into the countrey & because they must passe through many mens handes, I do therefore purpose according as matter & messengers ar presented, to send your L. sometimes the double copye of a letter fol.164vEndorsed: To my L Tresurer 12 June 1590
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: June:
And so I take my humble leave. From Dockum 12 June. 1591.Postscript: postscript. Before I had shutt up my letter, we had further intelligence from Count Maurice, & from sondry other places, that the Duke of Parma for certayn hath passed the Rhine & doth advance his coming with all possible dilligence, whither we shall attend & encounter with him, whertoo as yt seemeth Count Maurice is bent, or shall take some other cowrse by retraict, or entrenching, as the Councell ys enclined, who think the state of the countrey wilbee otherwise hazarded, I cannot yet signify, but they determine this morning to go towardes the army, to confer with Count Maurice. This is every mans hope, that the Army of the Duke shalbee destitute of meanes, to continew long in these quarters for want of vittailes &c./.