Letter ID: 1047
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.157r-160v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1047/008
Date: 05 June 1591



Later Addition: Belgia

Later Addition: Belgia 1591 5 Junij

It may please your good L. to be advertised, that folowing suche instruction, as I receaved from her Majestie and likewise from your L. by [In margin: 12/21 Maij]
letters of the 12 and 21 of May, which I recea- ved, as I have formerly signified, the 1 of this moneth, I have notified heere unto the states, what her Highnes doth require. The letter sent hither was only to this Councel, which Master Caron conveied, and I had from your L. the transcript of it. The body of the Councel doth continewe, at the Campe, but yet there were two of them heere, by whome the letter was opened and imparted to the states. The letter contening two principal pointes, an answear to the Councel in the affaires of Ostend, and a declaration of [In margin: Ostend]
suche causes, as doe move her Majestie to just offense for the abuse of their trafficke. I have dealt [In margin: traffick]
with the states in the seconde point only, alleaging those reasons that your L. had sette downe: which I have also exhibited in writing unto them. They doe in this, as their maner is commonly in maters of importance. They will yelde no ans- wear at the first, but consult upon it. Never- theles my proposition being made unto them the 2 of this moneth, they sent yesterday their Greffier, to lett me understande, that they will presently take in hand the Answear which was made to their Deputies in England, and will not leave [In margin: answer to be made]
it till suche time, as they have made that conclu- sion, which their state will permitte. They cast a great fault upon their marchants, whome they can not, as they say, so easely induce, as perhaps a stranger would conjecture, to agree to a certaine order, and admitte a limitation in the course of their trafficke. And forasmuche as I have charged them not only in general fol.157v
with the transportation of victuals and munition to the Enemies contrey, but have particularly pro- ceeded to the nomination of suche masters and marchants, as have in that behalf offended: according to those specialties which your L. sent unto me: they doe signifie therunto, that the most of those complaintes were fully answea- red by their Deputies, at their being in England: and they hope by their letters, to content her Highnes for the rest. Moreover for that thei are blamed for the cariadge of provision to the Liguers [In margin: provision to the leagers in France]
in France, they willed their Greffier to de- clare unto me, that they have already written to the kinge to this effect, That in case his [In margin: french Kyngs edict]
Majestie will strictly interdict, by a generall prohibition to all men, of what nation soever, to use any suche trade to the aide of those rebels, making his restraint in suche sort, as her Majestie hath done in England, they will willingly then concurre in making the like placart, and ob- serve it effectually. This is as muche as the Greffier signified, promising only further a speedy resolution: for which I will solicite and insist so earnestly, as considering howe often they have bin dealt withall before, in the self same cause, I hope they will surcease their tedious delaye. I have touched them for it, both to him and before, aswell in publicke as privat conference, and with as muche libertie of speeche, as I might well with good maner. It should seeme by those letters, which I receaved from her Majestie and likewise from your L. it was expected from me, that I should have informe[d] howe the states had accepted of that order of trafficke, which was proposed by her Majestie [[to their]] Deputies in England. Howbeit I assure y[[or L.]] fol.158r

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: June

I had never no suche charge, to prosecute those maters, but only at suche time, as I and Master Wilkes were joined in commission. So it was that with your L. letter of the 23 of Feb last, I [In margin: 23 February]
receaved an abridgement of the whole negotiation with the Deputies in England, with the answear of my LL. to all their propositions. But withall yow signified, that it was but to make me ac- quainted with the course that had bin held with the states in those affaires, to the end that if any occasion should falle out, in their meetinges or otherwise, to treat of any of those pointes, I might knowe her Highnes inclination, and conforme my self accordingly. And seing it was a mater, where in their lingering did bring unto themselves the greatest prejudice, I thought it not fitte, to urge it of my self, not being otherwise required.

As concerning those affaires that touche [In margin: ostend]
the Governor of Ostend, because they properly be- long to the Councel of state, which is absent at this present, and because her Majesties letter is an answear chiefly unto them, I can use no conference with them, untill I come unto the Campe. For if I finde by the states, that their deliberation will be ended in any short time, I will attend in this place, untill I may receave it: otherwise I will take some other order, to have it sent unto me, and depart within these 3 daies. For I knowe my presence with the Councell, who have sent for me often, will be more to the advantage of her Majesties service. I thinke it very needefull to advertise your L. that wheras her Highnes /alleageth/ in her letter to this Councel, that aswell they, as the states doe offend continually, in aiding the Enemie with victuals and warlicke provision, for their owne privat lucre: suche heere of the councel, to whome that letter fol.158v

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: June

was delivered, were deepely displeased upon the reading of that clause: for that in the college of the [In margin: states Merchants counsell]
states there are divers marchants but there are none of the Councel, that doth use any trafficke. But I have signified heere unto them, that the cause of that error is wholy in the states, who by often intermedling in suche causes as belong to the Councel of state, have made so great a confusion in their government, as men that are heere inhabitants come daily to one assembly in steede of an other, not knowing in their buisnes, to whome to addresse themselves: and therfore easely her Majestie might mistake the Councel of state for the General states, among whome there were some, that were openly noted to be both marchants, and chief supporters of those unlawfull traffickes. The dislike that is growen between the Councel of state, [In margin: ostend / Sir Edward Norris]
and the Governor of ostend doth increase every day: and as by former letters I have certi- fied your L. unles they may be obeied, I am very muche afraide, it will breede an incon- venience. For mine owne part I protest unto your L. as I desire to be continued in her Majesties favor, I have done my uttermost endevor, to procure a toleration of his present proceedinges, but they are bent so muche against it, as there is no dealing by any persuasion. The states of Zeland, as your L. hath written, would not willingly retene the contrey of Flanders in [In margin: Zelland]
contribution, but hold it all as Enemie, preten- ding therin a publicke commoditie: which hath bin often debated in the Councel of state, as I have certified heeretofore the reasons of bothe sides: but the Councel of state would never yelde unto it nevertheles they have openly declared, that [[they]] would rather agree to have no contribution [[.]] they would be ruled by the Governor in [[.]] fol.159r

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sition of the mony. I neede not certifie all occasions, for whiche they stand in this sort ill affected against him. For I see their earnestnes is suche, as they themselves will spare no paines in making informacion. Whiche whether they have done already, as they determined fortnight sins, or will take some ocasion upon her Majesties last letter, I beseeche your L. to advise upon it, that somwhat may ensewe for the ending of this troble, whiche I see in time may growe prejudiciall to a good correspondence, without any benefit to her Majestie. This contrey, to my understanding, is nowe in the highe way of prosperitie, the enemie being weaker, and their owne forces greater, then they have bin of a longe time. And likewise their turnes, as they say themselves, were never better served, then they are at this present, by those of our nation: towardes whome their affection is amended very muche: and if it could be more augmented, and the people drawen by good meanes, to respect with more duty her Majesties autoritie, I doe certainly thinke, to speake it with submission to your L. correction, it would prove a singular securitie against whatsoever may be feared, of their starting to the Frenche, or according with the Spaniard. The last point of her Majesties letter is for moving this Councel to restore [In margin: Charles Chamberlaine]
Charles Chamberlaine to the place of Provost Mar- shall in Berghen Up Zome. To acquaint your L. with the cause, the said Chamberlaine had enjoied that rowme some time by appointment of the L. Willughby then Governor of Berghen, but was never chosen unto it, nor acknowledged as Provost by the Councel of state, to whome the election in that office doth belong in these contreis. Wherupon Sir Thomas Morgan comming after to that government, ac- counted that place as voide, and recommended fol.159v

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therunto one John Crooke, of whome the Councel made choise, and gave him a commission with instructions, whiche he hath exercised these two yeres: in all which time I can not understand, that any complaint hath come against him. And for certaine it is so contrary to the custome of these men, to displace any man, that is placed by themselves, without just occasion, and to seeme to acknowledge that they have wronged the other, as there will come nothing but dislike of any suche proposal. At the writing hereof I receaved your L. letter of the 7 of the last moneth, with licence from her [In margin: 7 Maij for donkyrk]
Majestie to proceede in that plotte, which was propoun- ded about Dunkerke, with the privitie of Count Maurice. As yet I have not seene the Captaine Vanderbrooke and the parties are not heere, that were dealers with me in the first discoverie. But I will use suche conference with the Governor of Flushing, being willed by her Majestie to break this mater with the Count, as her Highnes intention shall be thorowly accomplished. Howbeit the soonest /season/ for the execution of the enterprise, will [In margin: october]
be in October, when the nightes beginne to leng- then. Master Gilpin is come from Amsterdame, where the shipper was arrived that brought the two Englishe out of Spaine: but the winde being contrary, he could not yet enter with his shippe into the haven. Master Gilpin suspecting that he in person might be knowen to the shipper, d[id] not speake himself unto him, but imploied an ho- nest and sufficient person, to whome the shipper who is also accounted a right honest man, con- fessed at first that he had suche kinde of booke[s] which he promised to shewe, when his shippe w[.] [In margin: wrytyngs in the ship of Amsterdam]
in: but of those two Englishe men, that were [.] passengers, it seemed he could not speake t[.] fol.160r

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ill. There is order taken that the forsaid party, shall be attendant upon the shipper, and effect the mater by meanes of Snowdens letters, and by [In margin: Snowdens lettres]
faire speeche. Otherwise if the shipper will be fro- ward, I have written certaine letters, which the party may be deliver, to the Admiraltie and Burgmasters of Amsterdame, to assist him with autoritie. The bearer herof Master [In margin: Lambert]
Lambert hath bin both present himself, and also a doer, both at Zutphen and Deventer: for which I knowe for those actions, to signifie more unto yow, were but to lengthen my letter, and to troble your L. It is nowe in consultation to what place they shall marche, for their next exploit. Holland and Utrecht are for Neume- ghen and Steenwicke: but Count William and those of Frise are bent towardes Groeninghen, for whiche they doe challenge the last yeres pro- mise. There is very great /hope/ both of Nieumeghen and Steenwicke, if the victorie be folowed. Groeninghen notwitstanding is of greater conse- quence. Only this is nowe objected, that by drawing all our forces as farre as Groeninghen, and leaving these quarters unprovided of succors, to relieve any place that the Enemie may attempt, were to putt all the contrey in over great hasard. In whiche respect they of Holland are earnest, to keepe their forces neerer home, till the Ene- mies purpose may be thorowly knowen: whiche, as nowe it is bruited, doth provide for Tertol or the Land of Tergoes. Nevertheles I had some speeche with Count Maurice, before his going from hens, about the enterprise /of Groeninghen,/ whome I found very forward, and thorowly resolved, not to Leese the opportunitie of doing somwhat there this sommer; but sooner or later as occasions are presented. fol.160v

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Of the Englishe Captaines that served at Deventer, it was reported at first that Captain Browne was slaine: which is nowe fallen out to be Captain Me- thikerke. And thus beseeching your L. to make relation to her Majestie of suche pointes of my letter, /as/ are expected from me, I take my humble leave. From the Hage. June 5 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.
