Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.149r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1041/008
Date: 21 May 1591
Copy of: 0304
fol.149vEndorsed: To my L. Tresurer May 21 1591.
fol.149rLater Addition: Belgia 1591 21 May To my L Treasurer
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: May
May it please your good L. I declared in my last the 17th of this moneth, what practise was used by Sir Francis Vere, wherby he surprised the sconce before Zutphen certaine of his souldiers were disguised like boores & boorins who being assisted with the company of contrey boores, & fayning to runne for succor to the sconse bringing with them corne & other vittailes, as they had often don before, were Rxd by the garrison, & followed with such diligence by Sir Francis Vere as all within the forte which were not passing 30 parsons were put to the sword & the fort taken, this was don the 14 of this present in the morning, The night following he disposed his troupes to enclose the towne of Zutphen & sent withall to Count Maurice, being then at Utrecht to second him presently with farder forces, who caused 3 cornetes of horse, & 11 enseignes of foote to marche withall diligence towardes Zutphen, & hee himself followed the next daie after, with the rest of his troupes & provision of shippes, bridges & rowe boates. The same daie the Enemy in a furie attempted the recovery of the forte but failed of his purpose. Also those of Deventer endevour[ed] to relieve the towne of Zutphen with 100 horse laden with corne were overthrowen by our souldiers, who had also the spoile of theyr corne & horse. Howbeit the Count of Oversteine [was] going to make a bravado before the Towne, was overtaken by an Ambushe of the Ennemy & shott in the head wherof he died presently. Sir Francis Vere being with him escaped happely, but his horse was stricken. By this time it is thought that the Count hath planted his Artillery, to batter the Towne, which is all the occurrence which is yet at the Hage. May 21 1591.