Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.145r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1037/008
Date: 16 May 1591
Note: On fol.145v (on which the endorsement is written), there are three horizontal lines stretching across the writing space.
Copy of: 0302
Endorsed: To my L. Tresurerr May 16 1591.
fol.145rLater Addition: [Belgia] 1591 16 May To my L Treasurer
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: May.
May it please your good L. Being instantly requested by those that were the Deputies in the last negotiation of the states with her Majesty, I am in theyr behalf to crave the benefit of your favour, to the effect of that letter, which is written by the states to the LL of the councell. It is the sute of Herman Roodenburg of Amsterdam, who being an assistant in England to the foresaid Deputies was arrested in London by one Gerard of Malinesupon pretence of certain dettes; The cowrse that hath bin held in poursute of his cause is declared at good length in theyr publick letter, & wilbe signifed more at large by theyr agent Master Caron. Although I let them understand that that the states petition to the LL will procure as much favour as the equity of their cause doth any waie require, yet without my letter to your L. they thinke theyr deling insufficient. For which your L. will bee pleased to pardon my bold intercession & to give mee leave to entreat for some convenient expedition in the finall end/ing/ of the sute. Wherin if the party shalbee pleasured, I shalbee thought by the Deputies, to have written my lettres as they have earnestly desired, very effectually /un/to you. of the states proceding in the imploiment of their forces I have signified two daies past. It is thought that by this they /are/ mette all together, so that nowe we doe expect the effectes of their meeting: wherof your L. shall have knowledge with the spedeiest opportis opportunitie. From the Hage. May 16 1591.href=""