Letter ID: 1034
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.137r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1034/008
Date: 07 May 1591



Later Addition: Belgia. 1591 7 May To Master Bodly

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: May.

[Master] Bodeley Sir. Uppon the coming hether of Capteine Vanderbronke, with Sir Robert Sidneies letters to mee declaring a devise of his for the surprising of the Towne of Dunkirke, whearein having had severall Conferences with him, and at sondrie times acquainted hir Majestie thearewith, she conceiving both good likelood of the Action if soe be the same maie be carried with secrecie, which might have been much better done, if the same cowld have been kept from the knowledge either of the Counte Maurice, or the States, as she findeth it cannot be from the Counte, by reason the Enterprise is to be attempted by Sea, hath been pleased that Sir Robart Sidneie should acquaint the Counte Maurice with the matter, and that yowe showld aswell uppon conference with this Capteine, whoe semeth to deale vearie frankelie, and to adventure himself in the discoverie of the place before the matter be attempted, debate fullie with him all thinges neadefull to be conseved both of the manner and meanes for the achevinge of this Enterprise: And also hir Majestie would have yowe to renewe a former offer made to yowe of like purpose in as secrett manner as maie be, so that the place maie be newlie renewed to discover whether theare be ane alteration of the place to be attempted since that offer was made, for I finde in this Capteine soe honest a disposicion, and desire to have the thinge effected, as he can be content to have yt taken in hand by anie other devise aswell as his owne; and if both maie be fownde fesible, both maie be attempted at one time. This is in effect all that I am directed by hir Majestie to write to yowe hearein seming that when thinges shall be browght to a resolucion, uppon the exploracion of all matters, hir Majestie would first be advertised theareof before anie thinge be attempted, And bicawse the Capteine himself & Sir Robart Sidneie will more perticulerlye require yowe hearewith, I will finishe my letter. And so most hartelie bid yowe farewell./ From Westminster the seaventh of Maye 1591. Your assured Lovinge frend William Burghley
