Letter ID: 1028
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.128r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1028/008
Date: 11 February 1591



Later Addition: Belgia 91 11 Aprill To Master Bodly

Later Addition: [Bo]dly

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: April

Understanding of the States being together, and that the Drapers of those partes doe labour by all meanes for the maintenaunce of the late imprinted placarte concerning taring of englishe Clothe, we are enforced again (as heretofore) earnestly to entreat you, to urge an aunswear of her majestyes Letters, and of the doleainces by us exhibited aswell against the foresaid placarte, as another For raysing an Imposte upon our commoditye, contrary to all reasone and the auncient Privileges to us graunted by the Princes of these cuntryes, as by our said doleaunces we have manifestly sett downe, and proved:/ Their aunswear being had, we doubt not but shortly after some good agreement will followe between us and their merchauntes, Whoe now (for the most parte) obstinately refuse to buye our Clothe, bicause that we will not sell unto them upon suche condiciones, as they by their importunacie have procured the States generall by their placarte to sett forthe and commaunde:/ Therefore that once we may come to an ende of this controversye hurtfull for bothe partes, we pray you to be a means that some resolutione may be forthewith had, the rather bicause that this interruptione of our trade, will not a litle be prejudiciall unto the State, yf yt should continue but a few monethes, yea weakes, and that thereby we should be enforced to divert our trade some other waye:/

And thus still being bolde to trouble you with our suites (For the whiche we acknowlegd our selves muche beholding unto you) we committe you to the almighty who prosper all your affaires: From Middelburch the 11th of Februarie 1591. Your Worships Loving freendes to commaunde the Deputie, Associates, and Generalitye of the merchauntes Adventurers: Thomas Ferrers deputy
