Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.113r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1021/008
Date: 19 March 1591
Later Addition: Belgia. 1591 stilo Romano 19 March To Master Bodly
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: March:
Later Addition: [Master Bo]deley./
Sir. By such letters as have been written hither to my LLs of the Counsell from Ostend by Sir Edward Norris, whearewith both hir Majestie and their LLs have been made acquainted, it is advertised in what danger that towne showld be, if yt showld be besieged by the Duke of Parma, as he hath certaine Advertisements yt is ment to be, nowe uppon his goinge into France, being ernestlie sollicited theareunto by the Cuntrie, whoe contribute largelie to that charge: and yet yt semeth that the States, to whome he hath most ernestly written to furnishe him with sum more Cumpanies for the savegard of the place, being their owne towne, take little regard thereto, or of hir Majesties Subjectes therein, exposed to the imminent danger of such a siege: This theire dealinge, with manye their former like, hir Majestie taketh vearie offensivelie, finding their care little or nothing to doe ani thing, more than to the fitting of their owne appetites and disposicion, howe dishonorable or dangerous soever the same might be to hir Majestie, and hir people, or their owne Cuntrye. And thearefore she hath willed mee in hir name to require yowe to expostulate this matter ernestlie with them, and to lett them plainelie knowe, and understand of hir Majesties taking in evill part this their continuall contempt and neglect of matters of so great importance, alwaies laieng the Care, and charg theareof uppon hir. And she is compelled at this time to write hir letters both to the Governors of Flusshing and Berghen, to send sum Cumpanies from thence to Ostend, if soe be the States have not, or presentlie shall not, geve order otherwise to supplie them: And besides that she is compelled to be at the charge/ to supplie them wth powder, municion, and shott for their defence, beinge nowe of hir Cawtionary townes, as theie well knowe, but one of their owne townes: what their awnsweare and doinges shall be heareuppon, I doe not dowbt but you will advertise, and as hir Majesties plesure is you showld, not to spare plainelie to lett them knowe hir Majesties great dislike of their doinges./ And so in great hope I commend mee to yowe. From the Cort this ixth of Marche. 1590. Your vearie Loving frend. William Burghley.Postscript: yow shall do a great good service, to procure that this town may be well defended, for therby the Duke shall be dishonored, and weakened, and the French kyng shall be greatly furdered. good Master Bodeley be ernest herin, it standeth more uppon than any 3 towns in all the Contrey.