Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.99r-100v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1014/008
Date: 25 February 1591
Endorsed: Certaine Apostils of her Majestie to the complaints of those of Flushing
Later Addition: Belgia 1591 stilo Romano 25 February Master Bodly
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591
Sir after my hartie Comendacions. The Queenes Majestie hearing by frequent report out of those low Countries the misliking both of the States, and of the Common people, of the Queenes Majesties determination to have withdrawen Certen of hir bandes there, of hir auxiliarye Companies, is so trobled therewith, that although she hath made a full resolution to have none drawen from thence but that she will first send nombers to supplie the same, and of that resolution she hath acquainted the deputies of the States here, and hath sent Sir John Norreys with the same resolution, who hath bene at Sandwiche there stayd and not yett passed as I thinke by reason of the North easte wynde: Hir Majestie for hir better satisfaction Conceyding that some passenge, maye with a Northerly wynde passe from Harwiche, and doubting the Contynuance of the easterly wynde shall stay Sir John Norreys, hath Commuanded me with all speede, to dyrect some lettres from Harwiche to yow, which I do at this present send thither if possible the wynde may suffer the passage: And hereby I do require yow to impart this resolution of hir Majestie not onlie to the States, and the Counsell, but otherwise to be published, as yow shall see Cause to the Governors of the Townes, and that yow do inhibite all Captaines, and Bandes to staye from going to the Sea side with any intention to Come over, untill Sir John Norreys shalbe Come thither, and have accorded with the States, for the number, of the Bandes and the manner, how they shalbe removed, and untill the newe Bandes shalbe shipped thither. And though the knowledg hereof may be brought unto yow before this lettre shall Come unto yow (for hereof I have written by diverse unto yow) yett this is hir Majesties pleasure. I should use the prevencion that I might which I nowe remytt to Wynde, and Weather: Praying yow to advertise me by how many meanes hereafter fol.99vLater Addition: Belgia: 1591: February
yow shall have advertisement from me of this matter: I do heare, that the deputies from the Emperor were not arryved at Brussells x dayes paste, but that it was thought they should mete with the Duke of Parma at the [Spawe] for which purpose Richardot was sent thither to mete them Of the truthe Whereof I am sure yow shall not be there long ignorant. And so Fare yow hartely well. 25 february 1590 Your very lovyng frend William Burghleyhref=""