Letter ID: 1013
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.95r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1013/008
Date: 23 February 1591

Endorsed: To Sir Tho. Morgan February 23 1590.



Later Addition: Belgia. 1591 stilo Romano 23 February To Sir Thomas Morgan

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591 February

Sir, this cowrse of Sir John Norris in Cassing the Companies doth seeme so prejudiciall to her Majesties service, that I have counsayled the Captaines which have required my advise to attend, till her Majesty shall send some further order. I have also certified her Highnes of the great inconvenience that is like to come of yt, wherby I am in hope to receave some finall answere with the very first winde. In the meane season seing the countrey doth oppose so earnestly against yt, & seing also if her Majesty be determined to draw the Companies from hence, theyr contineuing still in garrison till wee heare somewhat more of her Highnes Intention is no Impediment to her purpose I could wishe you to forbeare from any innovation, till you heare againe out of England. For still they may be cassed, when her Majesty is resolved to overrule them in this matter, it may happely bee, that they will licence the Companies to departe quietly awaie, wheras otherwise I feare if the souldiers bee thus confusedly /dis/charged, both the Queen and the Countrey shall loose the better half of the nombers expected. Moreover mee thinkes this hastie urging of some to have the Companies cassed is wonderfull strange, considering that Berghen is neer to Vlisshing, that when her Majesties pleasure shalbee furder notified, & provision made for the souldiers embarking, you may presently bee able to convaie them thether. I have written alredy to Master Kennet, who I trust will continew the acoustomed lendinges so as no occasion of disorder shall be given in theyr behalf & so for this present I bidd you hartely farewell. Hage. February 23 1590./
