Letter ID: 1011
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.92r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1011/008
Date: 22 February 1591
Copy of: 1365



Later Addition: Belgia 1591 stilo Romano 22 February To Master Bodly

Later Addition: Belgia 1591: February

Sir. The Argument of my letter will appeare to you to require hast. Uppon the knowledge frequentlie had from [there] of the accesse of certaine Commissioners from the Emperor that weare come to Antwerpe to move the States and Cuntrie to a peace with large offers from the K. of Spaigne, yt hath been thowght vearie necessarie for the weale, and savetie of thos Cuntries, that the people theare should not be abused with the offers of a dissimiled peace whearebie theare might fall sum deffecion to the weakninge of the strength of the Cuntries United, and so be subject to a future ruin, whan the K. of Spaigne showld have made himself stronger by that collored peace, than he nowe can doe by his warre: And thowgh hir Majestie heare thinketh that the wisdome of the States is such as theie will not suffer anie Ouverture of such [infecion] to the vulgar people, but will persist in theire fomer refusall whereof yowe did send hither the Copie of a writinge as an awnsweare to the Emperor: yet it is heare thowght meete that sum good advise showld be geven to the States, and to the Counsell of Estate also, in what forme and manner the awnsweare might be made by /to be/ such as might be allowable in the sight of the world, and acceptable to all others that are not confederated perticulerlie with the K. of Spaigne: and to this ende I have [sodenlie] made a drawght by waie of Project in writing to geve forme to such an awnsweare as for mine owne part, doe thinke the same agreable with reason, with trewthe, and Comlines, whearewith hir Majestie beinge acquainted, she hath soe well allowed thereof, as she hath commaunded mee with all dilligence to send it unto yowe, with intention that you showld impart the same to such of the Generall States or of the Counsell, as yowe showld thinke capable of such a matter: and as of your self, withowt anie expresse authoritie in hir Majesties name, otherwise than to thinke yt agreable with hir likinge to procure it or the like to be delivered for awnsweare: And if it maie cum in seasonable time to your handes, before anie awnsweare geven to the Comissioners, yowe shall doe well speedelie to putt it into French (as I knowe yowe can well doe) and if the States shall finde cawse to [varrie] for the reasons growinge of their owne part: as thowgh fol.92v

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: February

theie would add more perticuler griefnes of their owne, to warrant theire refusall to heare Treatie: yowe maie thearein leave the variance from this perticuler writing to them selves; But for the rest of the matters that Concerne the Quenes Majestie, or the French K. or the Princes of the Empire, or other the Christian Kinges, or the States of Italie, yowe maie doe well to admitt none /or small/ alteracon thearein, bicawse hir Majestie hath vearie well allowed of thos Argumentes deduced to make it appeare howe manie Princes and States are thowght to be opposite to the aspiracion of the K. of Spaignes greatnes./

Futhermore if before this Project can cum unto your handes the States shall have made som awnsweare unto the Emperors Commissioners, yet bicawse it is likelie by the Comissioners replie the States shall have newe cawse to maintene theire Refusall, yowe maie finde meanes to have the Scoape of this Project observed in their second [.] or otherwise in sum other forme to be procure the substance thereof, to be published both in the Frenche and Dutche tongues: And after that to be made more common to the world in sundrie other languages: and so to be printed./

It is here formed to direct yowe howe to proceede in this matter, but Considering the Scoape hereof is vearie well liked of hir Majestye and fownd necessarie to be expedited, I doe leave the manner for your proceeding hearein, to your owne discretion: And bicawse this maie perchance be miscarried, or delaied in bringinge for more suretie I meane after tomorrowe to send yowe an other Copie./

As for the Trowbles that hath alreadie risen, and might further followe uppon Sir John Norris first Negotiacion, I hope all thinges will be well pacefied at his second accesse thither so as I neade not write anie further thereof unto yowe, but commend your wisedome, in staienge of the Capteines from their disbandinge: And so end praieinge yowe to send mee awnsweare to this great Cowrse commen- ded with this letter, assone as yowe maie possiblye./ From my howse in the Strand this xxijth of Februarye. 1590. Your vearie Lovinge frend William Burghley
