Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.73r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1004/008
Date: 13 February 1591
Later Addition: [[Belgia]] 1591 stilo Romano 13 February to Master Bodly
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: February
Later Addition: [[Bo]]deley
Sir. Your last letters by mee receved at this time, are of the third of this moneth, whearein yowe make report that yowe had not receved of my letters before the comming of Sir John Norris, by which yowe showld have propounded to the States the same matter which Sir John Norris nowe did propownd for the withdrawing of certeine forces from thence: But beside my letter of the xxxth of December, wherof yowe make mention, I did certainelie write unto yowe that yowe showld test the States for theire likinge thereof, and did add thereunto that Sir John Norris showld cumm thither for that purpose: But as yt semeth this my latter lettres have been miscarried. And nowe concerning the matter yt self. the reasons alledged by the States for not consenting to this motion have been heare so well allowed by hir Majestie and the Counsell, as another Course is taken whearewith Sir John Norris doth retorne, as I dowbt not but the States shall find great reason to yeld theare unto: for yt is intended that theare shall noe number of hir Majesties Garison be browght thence, but theie shall be supplied with like nombers of sufficient men from hence: The purpose of hir Majestie is onelie to have sum Bandes of trained and disciplined Soldiers theare to serve in Britaigne: & seeinge hir Majestie yeldeth this much to the Contentacion of the States and that Cuntrie, I see noe cawse whie theie neede to send anie person of purpose to disswade her Majestie thearein, as by your lettre is mentioned./ The matter that is sett on foote by the Emperors meanes to sollicite A peace of the united Provinces, or at least sum [Townes] is of such A Consequence, as it shall be necessarie to have all good meanes used, either to staie the Ouverture, or to discover yt in that sort with the [frowdes] thereof, as the popular sort maie finde yt trewlie to be but a deepe dissimulacion of the K. and the whole faction of the Papistry, and noe one reason maie serve better to induce the mislike theareof, than that is nowe offred when the K. is seen to desire to have noe peace with anie Neighbor he hath: And if he might have the upper hand of France as he seeketh he would not longe suffer thes Provinces to be peopled with their naturall but would make them servile to the Spaniard, as he hath done both in Spaigne, and in Hillem, and generallie in all his Indias. The more dilligent yowe shall be to cawse thes thinges to be sett a broache emongest the multitude, the more suretie theare will be in yt./Sir John Norris is appointed to make yowe acquainted with his Instrucions & therefore I make an ende. From my howse in the Strand the xiijth of February 1590. Your vearie Lovinge frend./. William Burghley