Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.71r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1003/008
Date: 12 February 1591
Later Addition: Belgia. 1591 stilo Romano 12 February To Captain Lambart
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: February
Sir, In my opinion you have taken a good course for her Majesties service, to require of Sir John Norreis some farder advise. For seying the contrey doth murmur, as your lettre doth informe, & as I do parceave by theyr daily complaintes, the soundest councel that I can give is to innovat nothing, nor to make any offer to come from your garrison, untell you heere again from Sir John Norreis. For I expect every houre that hee or I, or both of us shalbee furder instructed of her Majesties pleasure, which I will signify you to you with all possible speed. It is not otherwise to bee thought, but that the townes in every place will wrastle a litell with you, and refuse to assist you for transportation of your troupes. Nevertheles to advise you for the best I could [.] wishe you to forbeare from cassing of the companies till ye know somewhat more of her Majesties pleasure. For it is to be supposed that you shall not onely bee empeached for coming awaie in troupes; but also the passsage of the single souldiors wilbee letted for a time, which is like to occasyon the losse of the Companies both to her Majesty & to the coutrey. which as you may well imagine will turne the common enemy to too much advantage. Moreover for your garrison of Diesbourgh I see not how you can leave yt, but ye must leave yt to the enemy; unles the states will take order to send a supply wherof you see by theyr [caryes] they are nothing carefull; This is all in effect that I can answeare to your lettre, which I deliver as I take yt for the safest proceeding, consydering every other is full of dout & danger & thens &c. Hagh. February 12. 90.href=""