Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.46r-47v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0995/008
Date: 02 February 1591
Note: On fol. 46r there is the signature 'K'.
Copies: 0287
fol.47vEndorsed: To my L. Treasurer February 28 1591. 4o 1590
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591 stilo Romano 2 February To my Lord Treasuror
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: January
May it please your good L. Heare is great expectation of her Majesties resolution, about the Companies intended to be drawen frome hence. The States have assembled their chiefest Gouvernors and commaunders in martiall affaires, withwhom they purpose to determin, how their forces this sommer may bee best employed. They seeme to make acchount that if the English men remaine they wilbee able for the space of 7 monethes to bring 8000 foote and towardes 2000 horse into the field. And this they think will suffice, either wholie to divert the Ennemy from Fraunce, or to endommage him otherwise very mightely at home. As yet they have not mett to consult of any thing, attending as it semeth, how her Majestie will proceed. For unles they bee assisted by the English troupes, as far as I can parceave, their meaning is this sommer, but to fortifie their places, and to assure their owne estate, without medling any further. In effect the want of understanding, how her Highnes is affected for the 20 companies, doth putt us all that are heer in continuall care. The more a great deale, for that the Deputies of Sir John Norreis, not knowing of themselves the condition of this state, and requiring no advise of us that are heer, take a dangerous cowrse in the execution of their charge, For without respect to the fittest opportunities or other necessarie circumstances, they command the Captaines by their letters, to discharge the souldiers out of hand, as they will answeare the contrarie to their uttermost perils. Withall they enjoyne the Treasurers Deputie, to surcease the paiment of their weekly lendinges, which being certified of late to the souldiers of Breda, they came imediately, and required the Gouvernor, to graunt them licence to bee gon, or to give them entertainment. The Gouvernor being charged by the States, to suffer none to depart, for the avoiding of a mutinie, or some other inconvenience, was forced to deliver them vittailes, from out of the magasin of the garrison. Complaintes coming hether against this disorder, I writ unto the Captaines to beare a better hand among the souldiers, and to provide for the indempnitie of the publick magazin. What hath ensewed upon it, I do not yet understand: nor I am not certain, whether the Captaines either thear, or els wheare, have actuallie proceeded to the cassing of their Companies. But for mine owne part, for asmuch as her Majesty hath vouchsafed bothe fol.46vLater Addition: Belgia: 1591: January
in that Commission which Sir John Norreis receaved, and in her letters to the Councell of State, as likewise to my self, to specifie precisely, that in the conduct of this action my advise should be used, and because I have considered as carefully of it as is possible for mee, and do finde it every mans opinion, for the reasons I alleaged in my former letters to your L. that this course of cassing is full of inconvenience, I have counsailed all the Captaines and Officers of the foresaid bandes, to innovate nothing in their garrisons till her Majesties pleasure shalbee notified further. For this will follow of necessitie, that after they are cassed; bicause the States have provided, that they shall not bee transported, with any shipping of these countrys, they must bee forced to attend for meanes out of England. And in that case Berghen being but half a daies Journey from Flushing, Breda but one daie, and Duisbourgh but 4 or 5 at the most, to dissolve the Companies so long befor would serve to litell purpose, for their speedie transportation. Moreover, consydering how the winde hath stoode for this fortnighte, and continueth at this present, it was much to bee feared, /that/ when the troupes had bin disharged, so many men for so long a time, and all at liberty, would never keep together without some notable diminution of their nombers, and great confusion and disorder otherwise: especially when the people of the Countrey shall both refuse to admit them to their towne and minister no assistance for their vittailes and passage, And though it may bee presumed, that to bee ridd of such guestes, the countrey will ordaine, that they should have meanes to depart, yet undoubtedly they are so bent, that there is nothing to bee gotten at their handes but by violence and untell they see by a second charge, that her Highnes [[.]] determin to overrule them heerin, they will cutt of [[.]] possibility for the souldiers to be shipped.The consyderation heerof, and of divers other pointes [[that I]] have written of before doth move mee to endev[[or]] mine owne parte, and to advise the Captaines in li[[ke .]] to proceed as orderly and quickly, as convenient[[ly]] without either troubling the state, or pre[[judicing]] fol.47r
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: January
her Highnes desseigne. And thus submitting all my actions to your L. good construction, and expecting every daie for some further direction, I take my humble leave. From the Hage February 1590.href=""