Letter ID: 0585
Reference: TNA, PC 2/19/99
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0585/008
Date: 15 December 1591


A lettre to Master Bodeley and Sir Francis Vere, Knight where by the negligence of Thomas Wyate, Comissare appointed to attend on the Companies [desperced], under your charge (Sir Francis Vere) Her Majesties service comitted to him hath received no small prejudice as well in that he sendeth owt no Certificates nor Muster rolles of the Companies. whereby the strength of the said Companies might be descerned and the Checke leviable for the last yeare ended the xjth of October last defalked to the ende the remainder of that which is growen due [over] and above the xxjli monethelie paid to them and their Companies might be answered which cannot be done untill the Checke be knowen: and that furder by the not sending & certefying the strength of the Companies nowe lately sent into France (the most of them having ben under his Charg) they are found within one thousand compleat of /with/ the deade paies) but 638 which if yt had appeard by the tymely Certificate of the Comissarie might have ben redressed, wherat her Majestie is not a little displeased: Theise are therefore to requier you, to comaund the said Wyate to make his speedy repaire hether unto us, and to bring with him such Rolles of Musters and Certificates for weekelie lendings as he hath made sethence the vth of February last and therof not to faile &c.