Reference: TNA, PC 2/19/2
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0583/008
Date: 07 October 1591
[In margin: 7 october 1591, Rychemont.]
A lettre unto Thomas Bodeley esquire Counselor [.] for her Majestie with the estates generall of the united provinces. Yow shall understand that Monsieur Charon hathe presented unto her Majestie the forme of a Placcart intended to be published by the estates of the United Provinces which he hathe shewed to her Majestie not as a thinge fullie resolved but conceaved by them to answere the demaund made by her Majestie for the Restraint of the transportacion of victuelles into Spaigne and the west partes: And because her Majestie dothe finde the Imparfection of the said Placart not satysfyinge her expectacion and that which they in all regard of Reason ought to have parformed in the prohibicion of victuelles and graine to be transported to Spaigne and the west partes: Her Highnes hathe thought good to note the same by this declaracion which yow shall receave here: withall to impart unto them, wherein yow maie se the waightye Reasons which her Majestie dothe urge to move them to consult better of this matter, which her pleasure ys you shall maintaine, and fortyfie with suche argument as you shall thincke meet and servinge to that purpose. Moreover, whereas divers thinges have ben propounded unto them /both/ by you and Master Wilkes at his last beinge there, where unto (as yet, they have given no full answere nor satysfaccion, You maie hereby take occasion to put them againe in mynde of those matters, that her Majestie maie at the length receave therein theire Resolution./