Reference: TNA, PC 2/18/452
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0582/008
Date: 28 July 1591
A lettre to Master Bodley Councellor of estate for her majestie with the estates of the Unyted Provinces in the Lowe Contryes. Sir Walter Waller Knight hathe by his inclosed Petycion enformed us that the Estates of the Lowe Contryes in regarde of the good service don unto them by Collonell Chester whoe had greatlie indebtted him selfe in theire service, did graunt a yeerelie pencion or anuytie of 2400 guilders for the payment of the debttes of the said Chesters ackrewed by his chardgable services & satysfaccion of his Credytors and others that [becom] bownde for him. Emongst which the said Sir Walter havinge allreadie paide greate sommes of money for the said Chester and yet beinge bownde for his debttes in divers greate Sommes, hathe made humble suite unto us to be by this meanes releved, the Credytors havinge ben also dealt with all to accepte ratablie payment of theire debttes as the same maie aryse out of that pention whereof you shall Receave more particuler informacion of this Bearer beinge tho- rowlie acquainted with this cause and sent thether expresselie to followe the same. For as moche as this gentleman hathe spent some Tyme there in those warres (as yt ys knowne unto them) to his great chardge, wee have ben the rather induced, in a matter of that equitie to recommend this his suite unto you. Requyringe you by vertue hereof, to deale as directed from us with thestates that yf they had this consultacion in grauntinge of the said pencion (as wee are enformed) this gentleman maie nowe especiallie be Remembered beinge one that hathe adventured his Lyfe in theire service, and that at soche Tyme as Collonell Chester served there, did Engage him selfe and his estate for supplying of the wantes and furnishinge of the said Chester for whome he had paide greate Sommes of money. And yf he maie be releved by this meanes of those sommes he ys bownde further to dischardge for the debtt of Collonell Chester yt shalbe a greate ease unto him./