Letter ID: 0369
Reference: TNA, SP 84/43/288 f.288r-289v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0369/008
Date: 22 December 1591
Copies: 1228 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England

Endorsed: 22 December 1591. Master Bodeley to my L. Negligence of Sparhawkes man in delivering your L. lettres. That hir Majesty would pay the moity of Captain Wingefield & Randolphes debtes. For his returne./

Later Addition: 22 December 91


May it please your good L. it is but three daies agoe, that your letters of the 20 and 26 of November were delivered unto me: both at one instant, and by one messenger, servant to the Commissarie Sparhawke: who hath she- wed so litle care about the charge that he receaved that considering howe well the winde hath served, and howe many letters are come hither which were written long after the date of your L. I thought it somwhat requisit to advertise yow of it. Unles your L. letter require at some time a messenger of purpose, I knowe not for the most any speedier meanes, then to have them consigned by Sir Thomas Shirley to his officer at Middlebourgh, with charge to convey them with the first opportunitie. For as muche as her Majestie is desirous, that the Treaty of Peace proposed by the Emperor should rather be putte of, then rejected by the states, I will frame my endevors to that effect. But they are nothing yet inclined to minister any hope of intertening it in any termes. They are greatly afraide, and for my self in like sort I doubt it very muche, lest if the people heere be brought to yelde to a litle (for without their generall notice and assent their Deputies will doe nothing) by the Enemies practises and offers and their owne inconstant disposition, further liking by degrees may growe among them, and suche willinges at last to embrace a Peace, fol.288v
as without respect to their owne securitie, they will be violently caried to pleasure the Spa- niard. But in these affaires there hath no- thing passed more, then I writte unto your L. the 11 of this moneth. I am daily called on to knowe her Majesties pleasure, for conten- ting the Creditors of Captain Wingfielde and Ran- dolphe. Because your L. willed me expres- sely to persuade with the states, to yelde some good portion for their part, and to promise that the LL. of the Councel would doe their best endevor to induce her Majestie in compassion to pay the remainder, upon which condition, and not otherwise, they condescended to pay the one halfe, I knowe not if any thing will be done for the Creditors, unles as muche be per- fourmed by her Majestie as they doe offer for themselves. For they tell me for certaine, that the Provinces are hardly drawen to disbourse the half, though her Majestie would be willing to discharge the rest. To avoide the comber of newe supplications, with which I doubt the Credi- tors will importune her Highnes and for re- lieving the parties in their povertie and neede, I thinke your L. shall doe a speciall deede of charitie, by persuading her Majestie to the same effect, as the states desire.

For your L. moving her Majestie astouching my returne, I am greatly bounde unto yow, as I knowe I have bin ever, and for many more fol.289r
causes, then I thought yow delited to heare muche repeted, and so to be troubled, with the often signification of my gratefull acknowled- gement. For next unto the favor, which I hope is continued by her Majestie unto me, I doe ac- count your L. patronage the greatest part of my happines in her Majesties service. The con- sideration wherof, and of the good construction that yow make of my proceedinges, is so great a comfort unto me, as in respect of mine owne affection, I could endure the pa- tience to remaine in any place, where her Highnes will be served. But because my domestical state doth chiefely consist in moveable thinges, which are but slenderly disposed in the handes of my frindes, and apparantly subject to many accidents and dangers, I beseeche your L. most humbly to vouchesafe me all the favor, that conveniently yow may, for the abridginge of the time, which hath her Majestie hath sette downe, which yet I doe but crave, in case it may stand with her pleasure and liking, which I doe alwaies esteeme, above whatsoever is deerest unto me. And so for this present I take my humble leave. From the Hage. December 22 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
