Reference: TNA, SP 84/43/276 f.276r-277v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0366/008
Date: 11 December 1591
Copies: 1221
fol.277vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England
Endorsed: xi December 1591. Master Bodeleye to my L. Copie of the Ambassadors second lettre & awnswere./.
Later Addition: 11 December 91
May it please your good L. I have heerewith inclosed the copie of an other letter from the Em- perors Ambassadors, to the General states. The letter was receaved and read by suche as are autorised unto it in the absence of the Deputies. But because there meeting is adjourned till the 20 of December and their appearance is commonly about fortnight after, and perhaps in regard of this pour- suit of the Emperors will be further prolonged, there is no other answear made unto the Ambassa- dors, then I have sent unto yow with the letter: which is a note of Receat, from the Greffier of the states delivered to the Trompet, that brought the letter hither. Heere is great inquirie among many, to heare howe her Majestie is affected in the cause: but I knowe not directly what to answear unto them, not having yet receaved any instruction from your L: which maketh me sparing in delivering my opinion Howbeit I doe alwaies incline to that whiche heereto- fore I have bin willed to persuade, That her Highnes is unwilling to hearcken to any Treaty, unles it may be general, aswell for her self, as for them, and also for France. Of the Enemies actions in these contreis, heere is nothing certaine: It is onely reported, that the D. of Parma is de- parted from Brussels towardes Mons in Henault, to goe forward for Fraunce: albeit his voiage thither, is greatly doubted of many. And thus for this present I take my humble leave. From the Hage. December 11 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley