Reference: TNA, SP 84/43/194 f.194r-195v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0356/008
Date: 11 November 1591
fol.195vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: xj November 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L. The Dowbtfulnes of the states to make conference to the Emperors Deputies. Copie of a lettre he would write (with hir Majesties allowance) to them./.
Later Addition: 11 November 91
May it please your good L. I have sent yow very lately the copies of all suche letters, as have passed between the states and the Emperors Commissioners. And sins I have heard no more, but that whiche I writte the 6 of this moneth, that they had sent to the D. of Parma, for a Con- voy of 3 Cornets of horse, to conduct them to Brussels. Astouching that treaty whiche is required by the Emperor, as I have alwaies written to your L. If it be possible for me to see into the mindes and dispositions of the states, or of the Councel, or of any in general of the Commons of these Provinces, they have not onely no affection to hearcken unto it, but they are passionatly bent to oppose against it. onely one thing, I doe see, doth trouble them muche, howe to finde a fitte excuse, to stoppe the course of those Ambassadors for comming further onward. For first, they thinke, they will pretend some other causes of their comming, then to motion a Pacification: and then againe they are persuaded, that all Ambassadors, iure gentium, ought to be ad- mitted without any impeachement: and thirdly there hath bin alwaies a freedome of enter- course, betweene the inhabitants heere and those of the Empire. So that if they be rejected, it may putte them heere in danger of the Bande of the Empire: of whiche, me thinkes, they are affraide, in regard of their trafficke. fol.194v
I finde for these occasions that they stagger in their Counsailes: for which I have moved them of late, to addresse an other letter to the forsaid Commissioners, and besides their former allega- tions, to acquaint them with the Contract (whiche hitherto they have not) between her Majestie and the contrey, by whiche they doe stipulat, not to deale with the Spaniard, or with any other Prince, by way of treaty or accord, without her Majesties assent. Withall to signifie unto them, that forasmuche as these Pro- vinces are full of Martiall people of her Majesties subjectes, who are all of them bounde by their othe and alleagance, to maintene and cause to be maintened every article of the Contract: by reason therof unles they come with some war- rant from her Majestie of England, they can not heere undertake to protect their persons from the violence and outrage of those of the Englishe nation. This was well enough liked by the Councel and Count Maurice, and thought a ready meanes to cutte them of from procee- ding in their purposed voiage: and that without any prejudice to themselves or to the Contrey. Howbeit when the advise was required of the Deputies heere of the general states, they were lothe to hearcken to it: alleaging nothing to the purpose, but that they would reserve that course of pro- ceeding for a better opportunitie. But as farre as I can conjecture, they are inwardly afraid that if the Ambassadors threupon should seeke unto her Majestie they might finde their audience fol.195r
and accesse more easie and favorable, then they perhaps heere would willingly have it. For mine owne part, though I see they are Ene- mies to the treaty of Peace, yet because I have not the best opinion of their Constancie, for with- standing their entrance, and becauess I thinke her Highnes is utterly against it, I have thought upon a way, which if your L. shall approve, I would humbly desire that is might be imparted, and her Majesties pleasure declared unto me. It is a letter from my self to the Emperors Am- bassadors, written to suche purpose, as I wished had bin done from the assembly of the states, but with many more additions, and suche as are material to my utte understanding: thought it may be not so pleasing to the humor of this people: for whiche I have not shewed it heere to any. Nevertheles because there is nothing in it prejudicial unto them, and her Majestie me thinkes, may be served by it, as your L. shall direct me I will ether send it, or suppresse it: attending from yow in that behalf your speedy resolution. And so so I take my humble leave. At the Hage. November 11 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.
Postscript: If her Majestie be pleased that I shall send the forsaid letter, I will putte it into Frenche, and impart it heere unto the Councel: and whether they like it, or otherwise, I will send it presently away.