Reference: TNA, SP 84/43/135r-139v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0348/008
Date: 27 October 1591
Note: Fol.135r is the address leaf.
Copies: 1086
fol.135rAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord, the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 27 October 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L. Of manie Matters./
May it please your good L. to be advertised that upon the sight of a letter from the LL. of the Councel of the 7 of this moneth, and of an other from your L. of the 8 which I found at the Hage, at my returne from Nieumeghen, I have had some conference with the states, about the amendement of their Placart for their [In margin: placart for traffick]
trafficke with the Enemie. Howbeit they con- sulted upon it before I returned, having had from Master Caron the considerations of the pointes, which were delivered from the LL. And as in every other mater, that is of any weight, it is the course of their government, not to take a resolution without the privitie of their Princi- pals, so they say in this mater, they will im- [In margin: to be imparted to the provynces]
part it to the Provinces, and answear it assoone as conveniently they may. And because their present answear doth import nothing els which is not worthy of a letter to the LL. of the Councel, I shall humbly beseeche yow, to re- port it for me. Moreover I am required by the LL. to demaund a fuller answear, to all suche maters as were propo- sed at Master Wilkes being heere: which I have not yet perfourmed, desiring by your L. to understand once againe their pleasures therein. For I knowe they will calle upon me, to signi- [In margin: the demandes sent by Master Wylkes]
fie what pointes are most mislkied by her Majestie and will require a full replie to every article of their answear. For in effect, it was all rejected, whatsoever was demaunded. And if that be the meaning of their LL. that fol.136v
I shall make that Replie, I will first contrive it heere, and after send it home, to be changed in suche sort, as their LL. shall see cause. Never- theles if your L. will be peased to heare my opinion, I doe assure my self, that I shall never prevaile by replieng unto them, unles her Highnes will proceede to some actual enforcement, by [In margin: withdrawyng of succors]
withdrawing some part of her assistance from hens. Before which time, for her Majestie to attempt any one thing often, and to obtene nothing at any time, but still to be refused, and to beare it with patience, it is to encourage them greatly, to persist in their courses. Moreover to my simple seeming, it is no fitte opportunitie, to enter farre with this people in any bitter con- testation, by reason of these motions, whiche are [In margin: motions for a peace may [.] people to mislyk of a [.] innovation]
towardes about a peace. So as for mine owne part, considering that their warres are happely conducted, I should earnestly incline, to recom- mend unto her Majestie some litle longer tollera- tion. God hath blessed of late their mar- tial endevors, in a wonderfull maner, that if the townes of Steenwicke, Boisleduke, and [In margin: Hope the next sommer]
Gertrudenbergh were recovered, wherof the hope is very great in the next sommers service, undoubtedly these Provinces would rest in great assurance. And if it should so happen, or also otherwise, the Frenche kinges affaires going pro- sperously forward, her Majestie in my conceat, may [In margin: This to be attempted in a dew tyme]
spare all the charges of her forces heere in feelde: and ether put them over, to be paied by the states, in part or in whole, or if the states be unwilling, fol.137r
to be presently cassed. For when the contrey is once assured, there is no suche daunger of the Enemie, but that with those forces, whiche they have nowe in Esse, they will be able well enough, to defend their contrey: or if they be not, their general meanes will suffice to increase their nombers to as many, as her Majestie will defalke. This day there is made by the Councel of state an ear- nest proposition to the general states, which is to be imparted to every Province and towne, for an extraordinary contribution to the summe [In margin: a Contribution of iiijxx xm powndes]
of nintie thousand poundes sterling, for the le- vieng of newe forces the next spring; and that the mony may be receaved, by the General Re- ceavor of the Contrey, to be dispensed by the Coun- cel of state. They doe not make any doubt, but that the Provinces will yelde unto it.
I have bin written to of late by Joes Van Cleve (which is the party, by whose practise and meanes I dealt the last yere with those of [In margin: Groenynghen]
Groeninghen) who informeth me as muche as I writte unto your L. the 4 of this moneth, that the people within the towne are greatly distracted, not knowing which way to bend their course. For some are very willing to present themselves unto her Majestie and some are more desirous to accord with the states, as also the Spaniard hath a great many fa- vourers. In this their perplexitie I have folowed the advise of Joes Van Cleve who hath wished me to address an other letter to the Magistrats and Commons of the towne: which I have done to suche purpose, as your L. 137v
may see by the copie in Englishe, which I sent to them in Dutche: which I trust is so indited, as if it turne her Majestie to no benefit, it can not preju- dice her honor or service in any thing. I have not imparted it heere to any of the states, finding heeretofore by their jalouse proceedinges that nether they are desirous, that the towne should come under her Majesties obeisance, nor that themselves should recover it by her Majesties autoritie. Concerning those af- faires that touche the Governor of Ostend, I folo- [In margin: Governor of ostend]
wed that direction that your L. gave, which was to signifie to himself, wherewith he was charged by the states. Nowe it seemeth by your letter of the 8 of this moneth, that your L. doth re- quire the particular verifications of the pointes that I proposed. But as I writte unto your L. when I sent yow the copie, of that I writte unto the Governor, I did but certifie suche mater as I conceaved of my self to be most mate- riall, thinking if his answear had bin any thing pertinent, to have done my best ende- vor for appeasing the states. To sette downe every proofe, of every mater in particular, I could not conveniently without the privitie of this Councel, who had the custody of all suche notes. Againe to say truly, I never thought that the Governor would have stoode upon [In margin: factes can not be denyed but to be interpreted by a rate of [.] xj [Aranvix] scriptum et sententia]
denial of any mater of Fact, but excused rather his proceeding. With his good intention and well meaning. But nowe that your L. hath receaved his answear, the truth of ever point will appere upon replie. Whiche if fol.138r
your L. will be pleased to require of this Councel, I shall not be so subject to some pri- vat displeasures of the Governor, of or his frindes. Nevertheles I must crave of your L. to pardon in this case my confident writing: for I must say, as I doe finde by very manifest proofe, that unles there be some error in a peece of an article, or in a mater of circumstance, the substance of the whole, wherewith he is charged, will never be reprooved. And this I knowe in the end will so appere unto your L. For I am otherwise of my self so thorowly acquain- ted with the clamorouse humor of the officers of the states, against the actions in speciall of those of our nation, as I credit them in nothing, unles I finde it so evident, as there can be no evasion. Of the Enemies endevors we learne by a letter of the D. of Parma, which was lately intercepted, being written to Verdugo, that the mutines of Diest have receaved contentment. And by letters from Brussels we are newly ad- ertised, that the Duke is willed, by a freshe commaundement out of Spaine, all exceptions sette a part, to goe presently for Fraunce.
It is signified withall, that the Ambassadors of peace, have bin at Collen already, and are expected nowe at Brussels. There is come out of Zeland advertisment, that the Enemie doth fortifie neere unto Hulst: in a dorpe which is called St Janes Steen. Wherupon the states of Zeland have sent hi- ther for some succor of horse and foote. For the Enemie doth intend, if his purpose be not fol.138v
letted, to barre us wholy from comming to the land of Waes. Thus knowing no other mater, I take my humble leave. From the Hage October 27 1591 Your L .most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.