Reference: TNA, SP 84/43/112 f.112r-113v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0346/008
Date: 16 October 1591
fol.113vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England
Endorsed: 16 October 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L. Newmegen./
Later Addition: 16 October 91
May it please your good L. having signified in my last the 11 of this moneth, upon what com- position Nieumeghen would yelde, I am further to advertise that the next day after we came into the towne: which we founde full of ruines and crased houses, by reason of the fort, on the other side of the river, which beatte continually upon it. But otherwise a faire towne, and greatly beautified with ancient buildinges of the Romaines: as bothe by their stories, and the viewe it self of the places, we might easely conceave. There is also within it good stoare of inhabitants, but poore for the most, and exceedingly devoted to the Pope and the Spaniard. Howbeit with muche a doe, they have taken an othe to joine with these Provinces in the general Union: and have ad- mitted a garrison of 6 Enseignes, which is thought with the Fort of Cnossenbourgh sufficiently able to master the burghers. They have bin very well intreated and with speciall favor to all their demaundes, that when we entred the towne, we found both their shoppes open, and the people so muche /buisied/ about their daily trafficke, as if no innovation had hapned unto them. Whiche is hoped will occasion, and to that intent it is done, that others heereafter will surrender the sooner. I have sent your L. heerewith a letter from Count Maurice to her Majestie by which I thinke he doth ad- vertise the successe of this enterprise.
It hath bin this morning debated with some ear- nest contradiction, howe the forces in feelde should fol.112v
should be next imploied. To reherse unto your L. the diversitie of opinions, would but make a tedious letter: but the resolution is taken, that the winter is comming on, and many diseased of the souldiers, they shall presently all retire unto their garrisons. Moreover there are of the chiefest of Nieumeghen, which put us in good hope, and that upon their knowledge, that if the towne of Venlo were but summoned by some fewe of our troupes, they will surrender of them- selves, without attending any siege: as being wea- ry of the Spaniard, and without any garrison. To the effecting heereof the said parties doe proffer their service very willingly, and themselves to goe in person, which is nowe in consultation, and your L. by my next shall knowe /the/ successe.
Of the Enemies forces we are advertised that there are at Grave, of horse and foote, to- wardes 1200 and at Mastricht 2500 whiche is all that we can learne that he hath in these quar- ters. For he sendeth still for France, but it is by times, and by peece meale, without making any bruite. But of his going in person, we are nothing yet certaine. And so I take my humble leave. From Nieumeghen. October 16 1591 Your L. most humbly bounden. Tho. Bodley