Letter ID: 0345
Reference: TNA, SP 84/43/92 f.92r-93v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0345/008
Date: 11 October 1591



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 11 October 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L. The takinge of Newmegen./

Later Addition: 11 October 91


May it please your good L. being parted from the Hage, with the Councel of state the 4 of this moneth, because our voiage was by water, and the winde against us, we arrived not heere till 5 daies after. We found the approches made, and the Artillerie prepa- red, to beginne the batterie as to day. But the towne being summoned, after sundrie sendinges too and fro, hath yelded this evening, upon like composition as Deventer and Zutphen, but with some litle alteration, in regard of their privileges, which are more ample then the rest in other townes. They have urged very earnestly to have the use of bothe religions: which would be graunted by no meanes. Because it is late, Count Maurice can not enter the towne this evening: but they have admitted 300 of our souldiers, and have taken order that suche as were in the towne, which were also 300 shall depart to morowe morning: after whose departure the gates shall be opened to the Count. We could not learne all this while, howe the Enemie was affected for relieving the towne. There came to the Grave, which is two leages of, certaine troupes of horse and foote, to the nomber of 3000 as the bruite is given, and under the conduct of Verdugo. But they have attempted nothing upon us. I can not yet signifie howe this campe shall be next imploied fol.92v
But Count Maurice and the martial commaun- ders would willingly retire, and end this sommer with this honor. Count William and the states of Frise are bent towardes Steen- wicke, and thinke it an exploit, that will be easely atchieved. When any thing is re- solved, I will advertise your L. And be- cause this bearer my brother hath bin with me, and hath seene what hath past at the siege of this towne: hath also taken a special viewe of the seate of the place, and of every quarter in the campe, and can give yow the platforme draweng by himself, I shall have lesse occa- sion to stay him from carieng these newes to your L. and therfore take my humble leave. From the shippes before Nieumeghen October 11 1591. at night. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
