Reference: TNA, SP 84/43/20 f.20r-21v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0340/008
Date: 09 September 1591
Copies: 1075
fol.21vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England
Endorsed: 9 September 1591 Master Bodeley to my L. Towching the actions of Sir Edward Norreys misliked by the states.
Later Addition: 9 September 91
May it please your good L. I receaved your letter of the 23 of the last, the 4 of this present, which was wholy concerning the affaires of ostend. Where I wishe that the Governor could answear every mater, as he pretendeth to your L. But I see it is not possible. For all is confirmed, by the evidence of his actions, which are openly kno- wen to all the contrey: by their officers letters: and by the messenger himself, whome the Governor sent hither: whose declaration is made upon his othe and alleagance, with particular verifica- tions of every mater by it self. And though perhaps their informations may be wrong in a point of some circumstance, yet for the thinges themselves they are for the most in common practys and notoriously knowen to all the Garrison.
Where your L. is desirous, that I should send him a note of those pointes in particular, wherewith he is charged by the states, to the end I might be able to make answear for his doinges, there is litle other to be said, then that which he knoweth, and they have often objected in their letters unto him: to which they never yet recea- ved an answear directly. And likewise for my self I have imparted unto him /my/ by best advise, to withdrawe him from his courses, which I was certaine in the end, if he did not alter of himself, they would drive him therunto by all forceable meanes. But in his answear unto me he praied me earnestly to judge the best of his proceedinges, assuring he did nothing without good warrant from her Majestie which I tooke to be sufficient to cutte me of from all replies. fol.20v
Nevertheles because I feared lest the Governor ether erring of his ignorance, or ill advised by others, might endevor to winne her Majestie to a liking of his actions, whereby her Highnes in time might be deepelier interessed, then I conceaved she would be willing, if all were delivered sincerely unto her, I thought it very requisit for discharge of my duty, to write unto your L. as I have done heeretofore. And though I did it not hitherto but in general termes, yet nowe that your L. will be further satisfied, I have pressed the Governor in more particular maner: and have sent yow the copie of suche pointes, as I have signified unto him are offensively taken. To alleage unto him all, in the self same order, as they have bin presented to the Councel of state, because they are in Dutche, it would require many leaves, and muche trans- lation: but I have sette downe so muche, as I my self had in memorie, and are most material.
They are not yet resolved howe to deale with the Governor: and I feare in the end they will shewe him litle favor, for that they see no al- teration in the course of his government, but that rather further mater is offered of complaint.
There are at this present certaine Burg- masters, and other publicke officers to be chosen at Ostend, for which this Councel doth appoint certain Deputies to goe purposely thither: and I have mo- ved them earnestly, to joine Master Gilpin unto them, to the end he might use some conference with the Governor, whereby they may happely be som- what better satisfied. But they thinke that all thinges are so evident, and the Governor so bent, to make his gaine upon the contrey, as I can not fol.21r
yet persuade them, to send any man thither. I can not ghesse at his meaning /in avowing/ to your L. that he hath no dealing with the mony due unto the states, but that all is gathered and expended by their officers there in place, wheras it is apparant, that sins the 6 of Aprill last, they have not receaved one penny of Contribution. And they make ac- count by good conjecture (for they can not knowe the certaintie, by reason that the Governor hath made many secret accordes with the contrey of Flanders) that he collecteth every moneth, all the charges of the fortifications defraied, not so litle as a thousand poundes sterlinge. Whiche ought to be receaved by the states Committies, as the order is observed in all their other garri- sons, without any contradiction. For it is a special part of the othe of every Governor, that he shall not intermeddle with disposing or receaving the generall meanes of the contrey. And truly it is thought of every man heere a very hard case, that con- sidering with what difficultie, and with howe many shiftes and devises of good husbandrie, these con- treis doe maintene the burdensome charge of their warres, they should be so muche defrauded of their publike revenue, by a privat officer of their owne. I would it could be answeared by the Governor in some tolerable maner. But I have not hitherto heard any thing, by any letter from him, as touching those affaires. Thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. September 9 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley